Radio Buttons for the NTS-1 Patch Editor Part 03
I seem to remember that setting up radio buttons using Visual BASIC 4 was a point, click and fill in the properties table procedure. Not so easy with Diamond GOS. Programming Diamond is a lot like the early days of the Atari programing, when the only way to know if an algorithm would work was to try it, rather than searching the internet for an error free method. Add up the frustration from (what I don't know about the (Atari hardware + MAC-65 + assembly language + Diamond GOS)) and you get the mountain I have to climb because it's there. But it feels so good when you reach the top.
The NTS-1 Patch Editor is going to need a radio button cluster using 26 icons; one for each of the MIDI controls. Clicking on a button icon should change the image of the button to on, change the last button to the off image and store the icon number to memory.
That's the easy part after the icon graphic has been designed. The process can be done using 2 Diamond functions. INSTALLICON(#4) and SHAPEICON(#7). The when-to-do-it is determined in the EVENT loop. If an icon event is detected the memory location EVENTTYPE should contain 1($01). EVENTTYPE+1 will be equal to the Icon number.
This can all be done using the MAC-65 macros provided in the DMACRO.M65 library (my DMACRO01.M65 is the Diamond macro library with a couple of changes/corrections) But….. The macros were written using the immediate addressing mode and requires values be passed to the macro in the argument list. Rewriting the macos as a subroutine using absolute,X addressing, and data tables is far more memory efficient.
This short 3 radio button-do-nothing demo was used to test a routine that would change the on/off icon graphic and set the ACTIVEICON number. It should be scalable to 26 icons. Failure is not an option.
The program RADIO.APP can be run from the desktop. Click on the buttons to change the active icon or the Q icon to return to the desktop. The other files are source code in .M65. The SYSPRT.MAS is a Macro And Subroutine that replaces the Diamond's SYSDRAW macro.
I'm not sold on the use of multiple ON graphics for each icon. Seems that if you change the icon shape and then change it back, the ON graphic could be used again for the next icon. I tried this three times without success, but it always worked when using an ON and OFF graphic for each icon. Right now, it's just one more place where memory might be found if it gets scarce.
The MAC-65 source code:
10 ;RADIO BUTTON DEMO - DEMONSTRATES 20 ;USING ICONS TO CREATE A SERIES OF 30 ; BUTTONS WHERE ONLY ONE BUTTON CAN 40 ; BE ON/ACTIVE/PUSHED-IN. 50 ; 60 ;KEVIN PACKARD 3/2023 70 ; 80 ; 90 ; 0100 .OPT NO LIST 0110 *= $2000 0120 .INCLUDE #D1:DMACRO01.M65 0130 .INCLUDE #D1:SYSPRT.MAS 0140 ; 0150 BUTOF1 .BYTE 0,60,102,66,66,102,60,0 0160 BUTON1 .BYTE 0,60,126,126,126,126,60,0 0170 BUTOF2 .BYTE 0,60,102,66,66,102,60,0 0180 BUTON2 .BYTE 0,60,126,126,126,126,60,0 0190 BUTOF3 .BYTE 0,60,102,66,66,102,60,0 0200 BUTON3 .BYTE 0,60,126,126,126,126,60,0 0220 BUTOFADRLO .BYTE 0, <BUTOF1, <BUTOF2, <BUTOF3 0230 BUTOFADRHI .BYTE 0, >BUTOF1, >BUTOF2, >BUTOF3 0240 BUTONADRLO .BYTE 0, <BUTON1, <BUTON2, <BUTON3 0250 BUTONADRHI .BYTE 0, >BUTON1, >BUTON2, >BUTON3 0260 ACTIVEICON .BYTE 1 0270 QICON .BYTE 0,60,102,102,102,108,54,0 0280 ;SYSPRT FORMAT X,Y,FONT,"TXT",255 0290 ASTR .BYTE 10,10,0,"A A",255 0300 BSTR .BYTE 10,20,0,"B B",255 0310 CSTR .BYTE 10,30,0,"C C",255 0320 ; 0330 START 0340 INIT 0 0350 SYSPRT ASTR 0360 SYSPRT BSTR 0370 SYSPRT CSTR 0380 INSTALLICON 0,10,70,1,8,QICON 0390 INSTALLICON 1,10,10,1,8,BUTOF1 0400 INSTALLICON 2,10,20,1,8,BUTOF2 0410 INSTALLICON 3,10,30,1,8,BUTOF3 0420 LDX ACTIVEICON ;TURN ON INIT BUTTON 0430 STX B0 0440 JSR INITON 0450 ; 0460 LOOP EVENT 0470 LDA EVENTTYPE 0480 BEQ LOOP ;NO EVENT 0490 CMP #1 0500 BNE LOOP ;EVENT NOT ICON 0510 LDA EVENTTYPE+1 0520 BEQ ENDIT ;IF ICON 0 END 0530 CMP #4 0540 BCS LOOP ;IF < NOT IN RANGE 0550 JSR CHANGEICON ;CHANGE BUTON 0560 JMP LOOP 0570 ENDIT EXIT 0580 EXECDESKTOP 0600 ; 0610 CHANGEICON 0620 LDA ACTIVEICON ;ICON TO CHANGE 0630 STA B0 0640 TAX ;ACTIVEICON OFFSET 0650 LDA BUTOFADRLO,X 0660 STA W0 0670 LDA BUTOFADRHI,X 0680 STA W0+1 0690 LDA #7 ;SHAPEICON 0700 JSR DIAMOND 0710 LDA EVENTTYPE+1 ;GET ICON # 0720 STA ACTIVEICON ;MAKE ACTIVE 0730 STA B0 ;OFF SET TO ADDRESS TABLE 0740 TAX 0750 INITON LDA BUTONADRLO,X 0760 STA W0 0770 LDA BUTONADRHI,X 0780 STA W0+1 0790 LDA #7 0800 JSR DIAMOND 0810 RTS 0820 ; 0830 *= $02E0 0840 .WORD START
There is still the LOAD/SAVE and the change value routines to write before I start climbing Mt. Editor. Yup, just 3 more miles to base camp.
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