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Ftff box art.



So I got real bored. I decided to work on a MIDI. I was working on Van Morrison's "Summertime In England." But that's not what this blog entry is about. This is about Frank the Fruit Fly. I got a box template for a Game Boy box. I began working on the box designing. I like to be in control of art in my game. Unless I pass it along to someone else, which is what I did with Jack and the Beanstalk and 1 on 1 Basketball for the Odyssey 2.


So I was drawing when it occured to me that...I can't draw! It took a while, but I found a picture of a grassy knoll on my computer I got from who knows where. I got the front designed.


What strikes me is that most of the front of the box has nothing on it. It's supposed to be that way because I thought it was funny. I was going to put the official Nintendo seal on this as well, but I don't want to get in trouble with Nintendo. (I wonder how they feel about homebrew on their own old consoles, though.) I think copyright on pictures is dumb. I mean, you should be able to use whatever picture you want for whatever purpose. I don't feel that way on anything else, though. Must be because I have to use pictures because I can't draw, especially by computer.


See what I mean? I began work on the back as well. I picked out two screenshots from the later builds. I need to write some text for it though. I don't know really how to describe the game though. I hope to think of something. Note that I only did this because I was bored. I talked with the same guy who released "Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland" for the Virtual Boy and asked him if he could do Game Boy games. He sent me some templates for the box and instructions since I asked for them. I was going to make sure he could make GB games and then work on the box design, but boredom got the best of me.


I don't feel well. I'm sleepy and feel like I'm going to vomit. It's horrible. I usually am sleepy, but the vomiting feeling is new. It began a couple days ago. I tried to make a new Game Boy game but I don't have any ideas for anything I have the ability to do. I got bored with the Umpires game. I was frustrated because it was getting more and more complex. And I had to make a new song every four levels so the music doesn't get grating.


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