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icons larger than 16x16 pixels



So I was working on making an icon for my website about my Game Boy game I have been working on. I needed a pineapple icon. So first I shrunk the picture down to 16x16 pixels using Photoshop. It looked horrible. So then I got an idea: What if I try to make an icon bigger than 16x16? So I made this 96x96 pixel one. It worked: It shrunk it down to 16x16 and it looked a lot better than the one I tried to make that was 16x16 pixels.


On that website, you can download and try the game for yourself. One important thing to note: Unlike in Lazlo's Leap, you can jump over a blank square.

Why? Code size. It takes about 3 minutes to compile each version. I don't know why. I guess it's because the song is too long? Bank 0 is only 500 lines long, and all bank 1 has is pineapple locations for each puzzle. And there's only two puzzles. So I don't know.


So up next is level creation. I think I can have up to a maximum 9 pineapples on the screen at once, but in order to do that, I'd have to code stuff for each individual pineapple, which of course would take up valuable space, so I'd like to not have to have 9 pineapples on the screen if I can avoid that. I only have 16% of bank 0 free now. If push comes to shove, I guess I could shorten the title song. One thing I would like to do though is make another song that plays while you're working on a puzzle. So I guess I could store the title screen music in bank 1, and make the in-game puzzle which would go in bank 0 shorter. Menu stuff could go in bank 2.


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