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A trip down memory lane.

So I found my USB NES controller last night, so I decided to play some NES games. First, I wanted to see how many points I could score in SMB again. I must be slipping since I remember getting >800,000 in a NES HSC a long time ago.


Next I played SMB2. I found this sort of interesting and didn't know was possible: Mushroom blocks stopping for cherries.


Thus making one float in mid air for no reason. And apparently the continuity of the Mario series is all screwed up since Ostro took Birdo's name. It's OSTRO, Nintendo, not BIRDO! It took at least ten minutes to feed Wart his last veggie since they kept disappearing in his bubbles he spit out.


I had the opera channel from Music Choice on (channels 949-950 if you have Comcast) and sometimes it has little facts on the screen along with the music. One of them was how some composer made his first opera at the age of 50. Well, I'm about a decade younger and it hit me: I haven't done an opera yet. I had begun a couple but I never got them completed. Of course it will be a rock opera. So this one I fully intend to finish, but who knows if I will. It's also intended to be a comedic opera. It's called Larry. It's about Larry. I like the name Larry.


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