Are you ready for this? pt 2
Second try at making the VCS play 2 Unlimited's "Get Ready For This" (or at least 30 seconds of it).
1. First 10 seconds are skipped, which means it starts with the better sounding chords.
2. Only uses AUDC 4, 6 & 12 (square waves)
Notes: it sounds better on a VCS than an emulator (although the emulator does the score color, while my 7800 doesn't, weird); not compatible with an unmodified SuperCharger.
Method behind the madness:
1. Song ripped from CD to WAV, then band pass filtered to 60Hz-15kHz and resampled to 31.4kHz 8-bit signed mono.
2. Each 524 sample (one frame) chunk is then brute force convolved with TIA waveforms to determine the two best matches (ignoring phase, since it's virtually impossible to control the phase of the TIA audio waveform). The best matches are the saved to a binary file and assembled in with the player.
I'm both impressed and disappointed with how well this works. On one hand, the process does seem to work for simple chords - the more notes / instruments the more it seems to fail. But, there's also a lot of noise even with this simple test which I suspect can't be easily removed. And I guess it was too much to hope for speech to be recognizable.
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