The Best Game I Ever Made
I spent all day yesterday blowing my nose. Usually when I need to blow my nose, it's only just for a little while. I spent the whole day doing it. I had a really hard time trying to go to sleep. It let up a little beforehand, so that was nice. I took the opportunity to sleep. I woke up a few hours ago. I thought of going to sleep when curiosity got the best of me. You see, I wanted to know for sure if the level number in Tunnels of Terror displayed correctly. I bet I tested it before and approved, but I wanted to know again. So I put the level number to 9 and began a new game. Success! It read "LEVEL 10", although I don't know what it would say if the player got past level 99. I do know if the player reached level 256, the level number would reset and it would say "LEVEL 0" and it would play like level 1 again. Although I highly doubt anyone could get past level 256. Of course, they said that for Pac-Man and now look...
I got to playing it a lot on my O2EM emulator, and I think it's the best game I ever made. Of course, I'm still alive so something could come along and top it, but I don't think so. I wonder if it's because it's based on an existing game (Turmoil), or something else. It looks and plays really good, so good in fact I was surprised I made it!
My nose still gets a tingle and I need to blow it still, but a lot less frequent than yesterday. My snot yesterday was just like water. I thought I was actually leaking brain fluid through my nose. I'm still sick, so I doubt I'll work on Nosehair INTV or anything again today.
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