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27 minutes ago, D Train said:



what will artie do if his little cousins eventually become completely compliant?

Mock their financial situation? (spoiler alert ;) )


I actually do hope they can make it completely compatible. I'd happily buy several 2600 "pluses" for friends of mine. Not holding my breath though. Atari chose to design, build, market and ship an intentionally hamstrung product. I'm certain this was due to cost (and time which equals more cost). There's no technical reason they couldn't have made a 100% compatible HD console from day one. But that wasn't their goal. Their goal (presumably) was to get something to market at a particular price point that played a majority of the original Atari cartridges, and do so before Christmas of 2023 (and Christmas of this year for the 7800 "plus"). Basically, it's a Flashback for people who still had their old copies of Pac-Man and Combat kicking around, and something Atari could sell new cartridges for as well. Not a bad idea. Just badly executed – if what you were hoping for was something that worked like a real Atari 2600. Now they're having to tap into the fan community to attempt to fix the compatibility. Whether that's technically possible remains to be seen. I just hope those who are working on it are being properly compensated for the time and knowledge they're putting into it. Shame on Atari if they're not.

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I am sure that you are right about rushing to market, etc.  I am hoping that they can iron out all of the technological details and make this fully compatible or shift to a StellaRT situation if that ends up working out.


I, too, hope that the people pushing this forward are being compensated appropriately.


we will see!

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