Do I need a new TV?!
So I have this flat-screen TV I use to play everything on. It's a Toshiba, so it's not like it's some cheapo brand. Every time I plug my NES into it and play it though, it looks all blurry. I don't know why. I think it's due to a problem I've had with other Everdrives where it's like that. I have a Game Gear Everdrive and it does the same thing.
I played my Stupidman game I've been working on on it. The candy counter and pause message were off screen, so I moved it up to be at the "bottom" of the screen. Even though it works fine, it just looks all blurry. I made some music for the level and a sound effect for getting a candy. So now I think door #1 is finished.
I made a few other changes, like getting rid of the door when you defeat it on the level select screen. I am also wondering why all the USB NES controllers have sharp edges when they could have used the "dog bone". I love my dog bone NES controller. It's so much more comfortable to use.
So now what? I don't know. I guess I'll continue work on the nosehair INTV game tomorrow while I think of a second door idea for Stupidman.
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