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Talk o' taco



I attempted to make a new taco sprite. I thought about toppings I could put on it. Cheese, sour cream, and, of course, lots of meat (or beans if you're a vegetarian). The hard part was drawing it confined to 8x16 pixels, but after a few tries, I thought to myself "who cares actually?" and ended up with this:


I also put in the level 6 I had drawn earlier, but I'll replace it again with what I had before if it turns out icky on my recapped Game Gear that's supposed to come in the mail soon.


I replaced it with a jungle because of the streakiness it was causing on my Game Gear. But if it's just confined to my (soon to be first) Game Gear and looks okay on this new one, I'll keep the city background.


I had to make some more changes in my programming. It kept recognizing the enemies in the regular level during the boss fights for some reason I don't know. So if you beat the boss and moved right, if you bumped into the former location of an enemy, you'd die and the game would go crazy.



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