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Hit the explosions



Working on my Game Gear game again today. I thought since the explosions were the enemies not being there any more that I should be able to hit an explosion without dying. So I changed it so I could.


I finally figured out the difference between a taco and a pizza: the pizza can move up and down, the taco only moves up and down. It was so subtle, I forgot why I even had a taco in the game in the first place.


Fleas are still here. I tried spraying Raid in my room. It says it kills ants but I was desparate. It helped a little, but to see a major change, ny whole room would reek of Raid. I didn't get to sleep until 4 a.m. since I couldn't go to sleep so I worked on my Game Gear game. I woke up at 2p.m. And the sun is too bright. I think we as a world united should nuke the sun. That way we wouldn't have to have sun shining in my eyes.


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