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Stupidman 2: d



I noticed right when I posted yesterday's blog entry that the d was lower case and all the other letters were uppercase. It took awhile to remedy that, but here is the improved title screen, complete with capital D.


Everything on NES seems to be okay, but still I had jaggies. I tried another NES, and all it gave me was a blue screen with a black circle in the middle of the screen, which I thought was weird. I tried SMB2 on my top loader NES (the jaggies one) and it displayed jaggies as well, so it's not just my Everdrive cartridge.


I got my other Game Gear and found it does indeed streak, so I'm going to have to change it to the jungle level.

I ordered my groceries and it said they'd arrive between 6-8p.m. The time they arrived: 7:59pm.

So I'm not really having that good of a day.



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