ZP/immediate load auditor
Many homebrews have had problems with zero page loads when immediate loads were intended. It's a common error that has caught even the best programmers. The problem is that, in most cases, the final binary works as if there were no bug but may occasionally show weird problems on actual hardware. This document describes why this happens.
So I've written a very simple utility to find the bugs for you. To use, make a .lst file with dasm by using the -l switch. Then run the .lst through the utility:
It might produce a few false positives but so far it's found all of the ZP accesses that shouldn't be there. Please test it on known bad files and let me know how it works. Although it's a DOS program, I haven't tested it .lst files created by DOS dasm.
EDIT: I updated the program to eliminate most false positives. New version below:
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