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Papa Bear



Papa Bear has several distinct roles and duties within his own cave. Some of these responsibilities are inherited; others are assigned.


Papa Bear's primary responsibility is the safety and security of Mama Bear and her cubs. Keeping the cubs safe involves watching over them and protecting them from serious harm. Sometimes Papa Bear lets the cubs do dangerous things and sometimes the cubs get hurt, but that's how cubs learn. When Papa Bear sees a truly dangerous situation, he will intervene. Papa Bear does this by keeping a close eye on the cubs, even when he is pretending not to. Papa Bear delivers security to the den by providing for Mama and the cubs. This involves providing food, shelter, and making the cubs feel safe.


Papa Bear spends a lot of time in the corner of the cave overseeing the den. Papa Bear defers to Mama Bear's judgement and maternal instinct often. Papa Bear would just as soon maul anyone who messes with his cubs, but Mama Bear knows that this is not always the best approach. Sometimes when the cubs begin wrestling too hard or a predator comes sniffing around the den it is Papa Bear's job to growl loudly. Most of the forest critters know to leave Papa Bear alone at that point.


For the most part, Papa Bear lets Mama Bear and the cubs squabble with the other creatures in the forest. Papa Bear does a lot of eye-rolling and gets told to sit down a lot when the hair on the back of his neck begins to stand up. Papa Bear's strong suit is not diplomacy.


Just know that there is a line that, once crossed, Mama Bear will no longer be able to hold Papa Bear back. At that point Papa Bear will simply open your head like a can of soda and eat your brains like a cantaloupe, and he will do so regardless of objections or repercussions from the den. It is really best for everyone involved not to push Papa Bear over this line.


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