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Game Gear!



Well, I can get my Game Gear to work in a weird way without using the AC Power Adaptor. Mind you I don't know why this works, or how I made it work, but it does. If I turn it on and then touch the hole where the adaptor goes, it turns on. It works with the adaptor as well, but it needs to be in a certain position inside the hole for it to work. Weird. I'm guessing the AC adaptor pin is screwed up. I tried to unscrew the screws to get inside there, but it's too hard. Is there any way to "soften" the screws so it can be easier to unscrew them? I got my second Game Gear to work, but a third of the screen doesn't work. Maybe if I can unscrew the GG that works and trade screens with the other one? I'm not much of a handyman, though. I don't even know what the thing is where the cartridge goes in and how to get that apart. What is that thing, anyway? I was going to post this in the Classic Gaming General forum, but it's acting strange. So, are there any "must-own" games for Game Gear, and if so, what are they? Of the few games I *do* have, I play Sonic 2 and Super Columns most frequently.


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