Juno Todo List
I've made some more progress on my Juno First game. The main change is the addition of a startup screen and the high-score table kernel from the last entry. I've also added SaveKey support, but it is commented out at the moment as I haven't been able to test it properly yet. I've left in the "Enter Name" screen, but in the final version this won't be shown unless a SaveKey is connected. The main game hasn't changed at all yet, except for the scoring which I have divided by 10 (it was too easy to wrap the score before).
Here is a list of things left to do now before the game will be complete:
- Test Savekey support.
- Add player and alien explosion sound effects.
- Add "new wave" sound effect.
- Fix hyperspace scoring.
- Fix astronaut collection bug.
- Implement more waves (I'm aiming for either 32 or 64).
- Change background colour during hyperspace (if possible).
- Show score at end of game.
- PAL90 colour conversion.
- AtariVox support.
- Attract mode (not sure yet).
It looks like there is going to be around 4K spare at the end. I might use this for another set of colours, or I could include an Easter egg (PM me if you have a good small game that you would like to see on a cart - no promises)!
Let me know if I have missed anything from this list, or if you spot any bugs or screen jumps.
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