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Juno Todo List



I've made some more progress on my Juno First game. The main change is the addition of a startup screen and the high-score table kernel from the last entry. I've also added SaveKey support, but it is commented out at the moment as I haven't been able to test it properly yet. I've left in the "Enter Name" screen, but in the final version this won't be shown unless a SaveKey is connected. The main game hasn't changed at all yet, except for the scoring which I have divided by 10 (it was too easy to wrap the score before).




Here is a list of things left to do now before the game will be complete:

  1. Test Savekey support.
  2. Add player and alien explosion sound effects.
  3. Add "new wave" sound effect.
  4. Fix hyperspace scoring.
  5. Fix astronaut collection bug.
  6. Implement more waves (I'm aiming for either 32 or 64).
  7. Change background colour during hyperspace (if possible).
  8. Show score at end of game.
  9. PAL90 colour conversion.
  10. AtariVox support.
  11. Attract mode (not sure yet).

It looks like there is going to be around 4K spare at the end. I might use this for another set of colours, or I could include an Easter egg (PM me if you have a good small game that you would like to see on a cart - no promises)!


Let me know if I have missed anything from this list, or if you spot any bugs or screen jumps.




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Very cool. :cool:


Just wondering though... why do you have a "Best" score on the high score board, when you already show the top score as #1?


I like the idea of another color scheme - it would be a good use of the 4K. Although a good easter egg could be fun, too (maybe triggered by entering certain initials for a high score).

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Just wondering though... why do you have a "Best" score on the high score board, when you already show the top score as #1?


The best entry is meant for people who don't have a savekey. In the final game, if there is no savekey it won't ask for your initials (since there is nowhere to store them between games) and will just put the highest score in the best entry (i.e. the table will be unused).


I like the idea of another color scheme - it would be a good use of the 4K. Although a good easter egg could be fun, too (maybe triggered by entering certain initials for a high score).


I will see how much space is left at the end. At the moment there is quite a bit of free space, but it is in awkward places due to bankswitching constraints.




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I know I'm late to this party but thought it was high time to check-in. It's hard to believe this is a 2600 game. Some amazing work there. I really appreciate the auto-fire too. As for my 2-cents, if there's any memory leftover I'd vote for enhancing the main game in some way vs an easter egg. Easter eggs are cool but frequently go unnoticed I think. But anything that adds to the gameplay or replay value is a big +1 in my book.

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I know I'm late to this party but thought it was high time to check-in. It's hard to believe this is a 2600 game. Some amazing work there. I really appreciate the auto-fire too. As for my 2-cents, if there's any memory leftover I'd vote for enhancing the main game in some way vs an easter egg. Easter eggs are cool but frequently go unnoticed I think. But anything that adds to the gameplay or replay value is a big +1 in my book.


Thanks for your comments and I'm glad you enjoyed the game. I am going to try to shoehorn in another colour scheme and some AtariVox speech.



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