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GOAT Store is being nice



Well, I ordered a few things from the Goat Store on March 7. Then the show came so they didn't get my package out. Then they reply saying they didn't have one of the games I ordered. So I picked another one. Today I get an e-mail saying that they didn't have that one, either. So, they're being nice to me and letting me pick up to $15 in merch. So I picked Panic Bomber for Virtual Boy and Popeye for the 2600 (I can't believe I don't have it!) So, if all goes well, they'll have both of these and I'll finally get my order. So now I know not to check for that package in the mail for the next few days. But I need to be checking the mail for another package (Shinobi for NES which I got from eBay.) Today I got Alien Syndrome for NES in the mail from AtariAge member "wccw mark." So now all I need in the mail are Shinobi and Road Runner, and then I'll need to find Fantasy Zone somewhere and I'll have every single black NES Tengen cart and complete my collection which started a few years ago.


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