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Confused by eBay feedback



I got Shinobi in the mail today. The guy who sold it to me gave me excellent rating, which now brings me to a 100% rating. I gave positive feedback to him, giving him 4 stars in all categories except one which I gave him a 5 on. I was a little bit confused on the meaning of the ratings, hopefully i didn't damage his reputation by not giving him 5 stars. Why am I confused? Well, how can an item description be "neither accurate nor inaccurate"? What is the difference between "accurate" and "very accurate?" His item description was accurate enough to get me to buy the game. I don't know, the guy was very nice, even though he didn't talk to me once throughout the transaction. No simple "hey, thanks for buying this from me" or anything. If I came across being "mean" by giving a guy 4 instead of 5 stars, i'm sorry, too bad you can't change the feedback. I have no idea what I'm doing with eBay feedback. I'm not good with rating things in general. On a scale of one to ten on how good i rate things, i'd rate myself a one. Well, that was an easy question to rate. For example, when my shrink asks me to rate my mood between 1-10, i feel like, how the heck do i know? i suck at rating things! How do these people get 99.9% reputations anyway? Do people keep giving them five stars on everything? I find that hard to believe, that is, if there's enough people like me who have no idea how to rate stuff get on eBay and buy things. I hate the eBay rating system. It makes me worry too much.


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