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GoSub...for Virtual Boy?!



I'm working on GoSub for the Virtual Boy. This decision comes after noticing there are too few games for it. This is going to be a long uphill battle, as it took me 48 hours just to get this:


That, and i have to learn C, and not only that, I have to learn all the functions of the Virtual Boy. I did have this screen a day ago (albeit the text was in a different spot), but was informed that i could do it an "easier" way, which turned out to be even harder. But I got through that way also. Who knows if this project will be completed. Frankly, i feel like giving up right now, but I won't. I hope y'all like the title screen. It will incorporate the 2600's instruction manual artwork of the submarine, only with 3 colors (all shades of red, btw.) More screens will come if/when i get them finished. You can check out the ROM for your favorite Virtual Boy emulator (as well as the source code) here.


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