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More Tron, more fun

Nathan Strum


"Recognize" this?




Remember wanting to play it?


Well... go ahead!




Space Paranoids is now online! And it even works on a Mac!


Well... not my G5 iMac. It runs like a dog on that. But it runs great on newer Macs. (Not iPhones though. Maybe someday.)


42 Entertainment made the game last year for the Comic Con Flynn's Arcade event that kicked off Tron Legacy's viral marketing campaign, which is starting to get rather extensive.


There have been clues left on various viral websites created for the film, and within Space Paranoids itself, which lead to even more websites and other clues. (Or "Clu"s?)


I hadn't checked Flynn Lives in a few weeks, so I missed all of this until just the other day. There's a re-cap of some of the recent stuff on their front page, plus other stuff (like Encom e-mails) in their "forums".


As for the game itself, they did a pretty-good job of adapting a few moments from a 28-year-old movie into a playable game. The controls are slightly wonky, since you aim the tank turret with your mouse, and move with arrow keys. Standard stuff for first-person shooters, but with the tank you can turn the turret in completely opposite directions from how you're moving, so it's easy to forget which way your tank is facing and get disoriented (hint: aim down so you can see your tank - the red circle with the arrow on it is the front of your tank).


Gameplay-wise, you drive a tank around a maze and shoot Recognizers. Since they're higher than you, you can aim vertically and horizontally. (The arcade cabinet built for Comic Con used a track-ball to aim.) If the Recognizers catch up to you, they pin you down with a force field, and stomp on you - just like in the movie. :cool: You also have enemy tanks roaming around, although they don't fire at you (that I've seen so far), they just kill you if they touch you. And there's some fire-hydrant thing that shoots at you. Not sure what that is.


The environment's graphics don't quite match those of the movie, and they've had to add a Bosconian/Rally-X type radar to show where your enemies and recharge stations are located, but it captures the feel of the arcade game from the movie, as much as you could expect from something glimpsed only briefly. You're limited to five shots before you have to recharge, so it's a trade-off between using your shots wisely, knowing when to run away to recharge, and how long it's safe to stay there while that's happening (it's not instantaneous, nor do you have infinite recharges). The recharging is a bit slow for my tastes, but everything else feels about right.


It's actually a pretty fun and well-balanced game, and it would have been right at home in a classic arcade. It has a good early 80's look to it, although the graphics are a bit too polished for even a fictional game of the era (maybe halfway between what they came up with and I, Robot would have looked about right). Of course, they have to appease fans of Tron, and classic arcade gamers, and modern gamers as well, so it's an interesting set of challenges to be sure. I think they did a good job with it. Especially since I don't have to pump quarters into it to play the thing. :D


Overall, it's a really cool idea for a movie tie-in, nicely filling in that missing piece of Tron gaming that we all wanted back when the movie came out.


Well, that and light cycles. But there's always GLTron for that. ;)


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I don't think they've got the emulation in Discs of Tron quite right. I just scored 129,300 points without half-trying. I just pretty much stayed in one spot, and fired a steady stream of discs at Sark, who rarely threw any back. Plus, after getting through a couple of dozen levels, I never saw the platforms move vertically.

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Just saw a commercial for Tron Legacy on the series debut of Conan.


The show itself was okay - the opening bit was funny, but Seth Rogan was a complete waste of time (or he was completely wasted), but I guess that's what the fast-forward button on the DVR is for. :D

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For future reference... the correct answer would have been "no".



(click here for high-res)


The little details in some of the onscreen text are just the sorts of things that will make fans frame-step through the Blu-Ray. :D

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They showed a slightly different Tron trailer during MythBusters tonight. Nice to see Disney reaching out to the nerd crowd (of which I'm one).


There's also a Tron "boutique" store opening up here in L.A.


That might be pushing things a bit much... :D

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I'll have to watch MB tonight during dinner, been busy of late and not watching much TV. Thankfully my DVR can record 100 hours of HD content, and there's room for 60+ hours left.

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Coke has a LiveCycle iPhone app to tie into the movie.


Looks weak. You walk around, and the GPS maps out a light trail behind you. I guess you're supposed to play this in an open parking lot against other people who are in other open parking lots, walking around like a bunch of zombie-like text-messaging idiots.


Seems to me it would be better if you could play this while on bicycles, but there's a speed sensor (or censor) preventing you from playing this game while going too fast, so you don't kill yourself.


Where's the fun in that?

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Got my first Tron Legacy swag...




The limited edition "Tron Night" poster, thanks to a friend of mine at work. :D


(Although the whole concept of "limited edition" is a bit silly. Technically, everything is a "limited edition". Even if they made 100 trillion of them, it's still limited. It's just to which degree that it's limited that varies.)


Also, I just saw a new Tron Legacy commercial on Discovery, with footage I'd never seen before, including a glimpse of a massive army of digital warriors. Sweet!

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Reviews of the movie are starting to show up. It's going to become tougher to avoid spoilers, but I'm determined to do so.


Learned my lesson the hard way.


On The Empire Strikes Back, of all films. :D

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Cool, hadn't seen the trailer. The PS3 version is on my Amazon Wish List. I'll pick it up after the holidays if I don't get it for Christmas.

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