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Back to GoSub 3D



Well, after a one month break, I'm no longer feeling burned out about VB Programming, so I'm going back to working on GoSub 3D. I'm entering it into the Planet VB 2010 Compo no matter how many levels it has (I want that FlashBoy!) on Halloween Eve, two days before the deadline (Just want to make sure it gets in. Those crazy Europeans are hours ahead of us in the States.) Right now there's ten levels. Attached is a picture of level 10. In case you're wondering, it looks hard and it IS hard (at least with a keyboard.) I don't really know how many more levels I can think up of, I may have to resort to playing GoSub on the 2600 and stealing some level designs there. I know one thing: The game is going to stay at its current size when it's finished (512K.) So I don't really know how many more levels I can put in. I'm hoping at least ten more, but I want 32 total. Again, I don't know if I can design that many. I got the Japanese version of Mario's Tennis with box and instructions in the mail today. After asking, I found out that the Japanese and the American games are exactly the same ROMs. I also got Mistigo Varggoth Darkestra's "The Key To the Gates of Apocalypses" in the mail today. Yes, that is the correct spelling (it turns out the long song list website is wrong.) according to the packaging. 72 minutes long, and I didn't have to piece it together with Audacity, so that's my longest song without doing that so far by far. One thing, though: Windows Media Player didn't have any info on it, so I had to put it in myself, and was just wondering if there is a way to make it display "72:00" instead of "1:12:00". I'm guessing not, but IMO the 1:12:00 is annoying!


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