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Using the Title Screen Kernel Wizard

The Titlescreen Kernel is a custom assembly module that allows you to display a high quality titlescreen in your batari Basic game, without having to write any assembly code yourself. This will walk you through creating the most basic titlescreen. If you want to learn more about how this works, or creating a titlescreen by hand, please read the documentation included with the titlescreen Kernel download.


The following steps will walk you through building a basic titlescreen using the included samples:


1. Install the titlescreen kernel – Download, unzip, and copy the titlescreen folder to the same folder as visualbB.exe. It should contain the following:




2. Download this test version of VisualbB Build 558 VisualbB_1.0_Build_558.zip

3. Make sure you have the VisualbB Sound library or the Music Editor will crash!

4. Launch VisualbB

5. Right-click a project folder and select Add-> Title Screen.



6. This will launch the Title screen wizard.


7. A custom titlescreen is made up of multiple display minikernels. Each selected minikernel is stacked on another. Click Add Kernel.




8. Next you need to choose a min-kernel. Select draw_96x2_1 from the dropdown combo box.

9. Next double click the image box on the right add the sample image, logo.bmp



10. Right click the Image and select background color


11. Click on the gray area so that it becomes the background color and the white will be used as the forecolor.


12. Use the following session to add another kernel

  • Kernel: draw_48x1_1
  • Image: sun graphic.png



13. Click Set color and set to $42



14. Use the following session to add another kernel

  • Kernel: draw_48x1_2
  • Image: sun graphic.png


15. Next add another kernel for spaces set to 3




16. Finally add two additional kernels for




17. Click Create Title Code to generate all the code. At this point you can tweak the code if necessary.




18. Check the boxes for Open in IDE after create

19. Check Preview after create

20. Click Create



21. You should also notice a new file created <nameofproject>_Title.bas was created and opened in the editor.


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