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Creating a Scrolling Hi-res Title Screen in bB

If you have not already you should download the latest test version of visualbB and walk through creating a basic titlescreen first. Now that you have the basics down, this will help you create a title screen that includes a scrolling element. This example uses the ex2-scroller images included with the titlescreen kernel download package.


1. Launch the Titlescreen wizard
2. Change the score font to RETROPUTER
3. Add 6 new kernels with the following settings
 a. Kernel = Draw_96x2_1
     	i. Image = robotron logo.png
     	ii. Click Set Colors and use these:
     	iii. Keep the defaults for everything else
 b. Kernel = draw_48x1_1
     	i. Image = robotron scroller.bmp
     	ii. Height  = 40 (Changing the height here is key!)
     	iii. Check the Scrolling radial button
     	iv. Keep the defaults for everything else
 c. Kernel = draw_48x1_3
     	i. Image = 2084 logo.png
     	ii. Click Set colors and set to $1e
 d. Kernel = draw_gameselect
 e. Kernel = draw_score
     	i. Check the Colorcycle checkbox
4. Click Preview and you should see something like this

blogentry-5778-129935377707_thumb.gif(Click to see animated gif)


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