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Creating a multi-colored title screen in bB

This is the last in a series of blog posts on creating different title screens using the title screeen kernel in bB. As with the previous tutorials, you'll need to be using a test version of visualbB. As with the previous two examples you can use the 48x1 mini kernel to create the effect of a multi-colored titlescreen. This is actually achieved through the flickering of colors. In this case, using a red and a light blue when blended appears white(ish). You can play with the colors in step 2b to test out different combinations. This example uses the ex4-color_by_flicker images included with the titlescreen kernel.


1.Launch the Titlescreen wizard
2.Add 5 new kernels with the following settings
 a.Kernel = draw_48x2_1
i.Image = title.bmp
ii.Click Set Colors and use the following:
 b.Kernel = draw_48x1_1
i. Image = yoshi graphic.png
ii. Set Height = 87 (Setting it to half height creates the illusion)
iii. Check the Colored radial buttion
iv. Set Color 1 = $4b
v. Set Color 2 = $ac
 c. Kernel = draw_space
i. Spaces = 10
 d. Kernel = Draw_481_2
i. Image = press fire.png
ii. Check the Colorcycle Checkbox
 e. Kernel = draw_score
3.Click Preview and you should see something like this 

blogentry-5778-129973873503_thumb.gif(click to see animated gif)


One of the other nice things about using the titlescreen editor is you can configure your titlescreen and then save it to an .xml file. You can modify the XML outside of the editor (just don't break the format) and you can reimport it later using the File menu in the title screen editor. Additionally form the main vbB user interface you can add an existing item and select a title screen. Simply point to the saved .XML file and it will reload all your settings into the titlescreen. Therefore, if you decide you want to change something you don't have to start all over, simply import the previous settings and modify as necessary.


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