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8-bit Moria, Generate cave is basically done

Shawn Jefferson


The code to generate caves is now ported over, and appears to be working. I had to track down some nasty bug in the normalized random number code (not the original, but changes I had made to be more "cc65" friendly). It's a bit slow, but overall not too bad. The first goal is to port the code "as-is" and then make any improvements that might be made. There's also a bug where items will get placed in the "rock" and not in open spaces... need to figure that out still.


Attached is an Atarimax 8Mb flashcart image. This requires VBXE, but otherwise doesn't require any special configuration. You can select your character, roll for attributes, etc.. and then it will generate a random level from 0-57 or something like that. Press any key to generate another level once the map is drawn (this is only the top corner of the map being drawn at the moment.)


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