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More changes to support bB 1.1b Beta

I've updated visualbB to support the latest WIP version ofthe bB 1.1b compiler. Actually I did this a month ago, but have been a bit busy to take the time to post it. You can read more about bB1.1 from batari'sblog.


Here are some of the changes in visualbB Build 562:

  • Updated the Titlescreen editor so that you can insert kernels. This will make it easier to modify where before you had to delete and start over if you wanted to change the order.
  • Fixed a problem with long names and spaces that prevented bBlint from working properly.
  • Added support for newer bB 1.1 comments semicolon and c-style /* */ comments
  • Added additional bB 1.1 keywords including bkcolors: and others (too many to list)
  • Changed the code generated from the music editor so it works around a bug in bB 1.1 and is still backwards compatible with earlier compilers.
  • Updated sprite previewing and sprite animator to work with the latest DPC+ kernel so it always uses a default background color.
  • Updated Playfield editor to support bkcolors: Now you can create a playfield with different fore and back colors. DPC+ Playfield preview should be working better now.
  • Worked on making the sprite and playfield editors more responsive. Playfields can still be a bit sluggish if working on a large playfield while using a slower PC.
  • You can select multiple rows when selecting playfield and background colors. No need to do one row at a time!


When vbB launches it will check the version of compilerinstalled. If it detects 1.1, or later,DPC kernel options will be enabled for the sprite and playfield editors as wellas the sprite animator. Finally, additional keywords are loaded into intellisense.


Here are the steps to update:

  1. Download and install the beta version of bB version 1.1
  2. Download and install the beta version of Stella.
  3. Download this updated version of visualbB VisualbB_1.0_Build_562.zip
  4. Make sure you still have the visualbBsoundLib.
  5. Launch (if already open re-launch) vbB.

Let me know if you find any problems with this one.


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Is this new version forcing on Phosphor effect in stella? I launch my game from the editor and Phosphor effect is enabled by default, but if I launch my rom from explorer Phosphor effect is disabled by default. My game looks bad with Phosphor effect enabled, so I have it disabled by default.


If it's not the editor, then I have to track down what it causing this on my end.


Thank you again!

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