Dodge-It, FCF 1978
Videocart #16, Dodge-It, Fairchild Channel F, 1978
We really enjoy Dodge-It. Simple concept: You and your second player (optional) are in a box. A red ball (square) bounces into the box and you have to avoid its many rebounds off the walls of your enclosed space. Avoid it for long enough and it is joined by a second and then a third and then a fourth and so on up to nine bouncing balls. The highest we got was six balls at once. A counter on the left increases as you play and stops when you get hit. If it's the highest score it gets transferred over to the right and stays as a "high score" for that session.
Each time you fail to dodge, you are treated to a spectacular show which celebrates your defeat, and a new box is formed. The thickness of the wall varies, so the shape and size of the Dodgespace, a word I just made up, also varies. In addition to the Dodgespace, the game randomizes the speed and size of both the dodge balls and the players. Every game, while being very similar to the others, is always a little different and unpredictable.
The one failing of Dodge-It, is that it isn't terribly re-playable. Which, I guess, is a pretty fatal failing. Yes, it is fun, yes it is challenging, but how well you do from one round to the next is pretty much determined by the luck of draw which determines the speed and size, both of the balls to dodge and of the ball you use to dodge. We will keep this game around until something similar comes out. It stands out as a fairly unique entry into the 1978 universe of home videogames.
Well, that was a short entry. I guess I should show in some screenshots just to round it out.
Okay, this is the protagonist block trying to avoid the other blocks bouncing around the Dodgespace.
This is the graphical reward for getting pummeled by one of the balls if you fail to dodge. It's pretty flashy for the Channel F.
Next entry will be . . . Videocart # 17! Video Pinball!
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