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YouTube Asshats



Can someone explain something to me? Why do big evil corporations go after YouTube users who post TV shows or commercials? I could understand if the person who uploaded it gained money for it, but I DON'T. I don't really like profiting off someone else's work. Yet, some ruthless bastards who have way too much time on their hands and work for NBC must surf around YouTube and flag stuff even though the person who uploaded it isn't profiting on it and the NBC henchmen don't really give a rat's ass anyway and are just doing what some even dumber boss is telling them to do. They're like "Oh my god! Some guy posted 1 minute's worth of Johnny Carson on YouTube! He must be annihilated!" I got a few copyright notices, but am keeping them up since I don't profit off the videos and it's wrong to even do that. Also, how can someone prove on YouTube that they are the correct holders of the copyright? The other one is Sesame Workshop, which is absurd since there are thousands of classic Sesame Street clips on YouTube and nobody cares about them. I think these idiot YouTube websurfers should try and go find a life, since they obviously don't have one. Everyone in the legal department at NBC should go -----....


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