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Aaron the Aardvark #1



So I think I'm going to do a quarterly magazine. The pages will be 8 inches tall and 5.5 inches wide (half a sheet of 8.5x11 paper.) and there will be 36 of them. So what I want to do for the first issue is make a special Nintendo history issue, which most of the first issue will be devoted to telling. But why I'm telling you this is because I need someone to proofread the early days part (especially the pre-NES part) since I wasn't alive or in diapers when this stuff came out. So right now, I'm up to page 8 and only got as far as the Game Boy. But there were some duds in the Nintendo game console lineup (Game Boy Color and Game Cube anyone?) Linkies to the stuff I have are here:

Pre-NES pages (2-4) http://www.atari2600land.com/aarontheaardvark/prenes.zip

NES/Game Boy (5-9) http://www.atari2600land.com/aarontheaardvark/nesgb.zip

(these are big files, both zip files are around 800kb.)

I've decided to make the pages in Paint as opposed to Word so I'll have more freedom to do what I want with designing how the pages look. This all came about in a dream where I had made a fancy 76-paged magazine that I loved reading. Now I'm just one guy and can't do 76 pages in 3 months. Aaron the Aardvark will be a quarterly magazine, with this first issue coming out Spring 2013. On the back of each issue will be an Aaron the Aardvark comic (the first one is entitled Aants!) And Aaron's ears are shaped like A (he has two of them in the two words Aaron and aardvark) and will be the magazine's mascot. So when I'm done, I'll print out the pages (all 9 of them, remember these are 8.5x11 pieces of paper I'll be printing them out on.) but since there's 9 of them, it will still be a monumental task since they're all in color. so if I'd be doing one 8.5x11 page, it'd only be 18 pages. And the Blazers will start their season tonight against the Lakers. I don't know why it almost always have to be against them, since they're way better than us. I doubt we'll win tonight, but it will be interesting to see the new Blazers take the court and I'll see how good (or bad) they are.


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