Used up the 400 bytes and then some.
- Fixed a "find the ship" bug in the Magna-Mine targeting logic which would cause the mines to wander around off-screen in the vertical screen-wrap zone.
- Revised the vertical wrap zone to use a 16 scan line off-screen zone for all objects. It previously used to be 8, 16 or 32 scan lines depending upon the size of the object.
- Fixed top-side-of-screen collision detection. It had the same problem that left-side-of-screen collision detection had; but was occuring in the off-screen wrap-zone so it wasn't very noticeable.
- Brightened up the multi-color asteroids. They used to use LUMA values 4-11, they now use 6-13. Mostly noticeable with dark grey asteroids.
- Respawn changed to always face your ship upward, except for 2 player concurrent games which still respawns with a random heading.
- Shield time decreased
- Longer end-of-game delay before returning to the menu.
- Revised the CONTROL menu to only show 2 controls when needed. Should make the option less confusing.
- Revised KIDS game to also set FRICTION=YES, BONUS=5K and MAGNA-MINES=NO alongside OPTION = (unlimited) SHIELDS,
2 controllers in CONTROL option
1 control in CONTROL option
revised KIDS setting:
Screen wrap - large objects can now concurrently appear at the top and bottom. Small objects still hide out in the wrap zone for a little bit.
A lot of things where changed during the optimizations, so please let me know right away if something isn't working correctly. Thanks!
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