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About This Club

Club for the good Atari folk of Adelaide (South Australia) to chat in and meet. There's more of us than we realise!
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Hello! It doesn't look like there's a lot of activity here but, I'll give it a try. I'm in SA and located out near Mt. Barker. I'm interested mostly in the A8 series but, I have a few 2600's and a single 1040STFM.
  3. Brilliant! Cheers, will be interesting to see how many members are from SA
  4. Welcome I've created "Meets" and "Trades and Swaps" sections. If anything else is needed let me know
  5. Hello! Nice to see you have made the club @CyranoJ Name: Anthony Location: Southern Suburbs Interests: Atari to PS1/N64 - dont mind some the newer stuff - Automotive fan
  6. Hi, I've met a few people locally and several since on the discord server, so thought it might be an idea for a place to introduce ourselves and chat/arrange meets/swaps/etc. I'm located in the northern suburbs. Mainly interested in Jaguar, Lynx, a8, 2600 Hello everyone!
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