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SE Michigan Arcade Meet!


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This is a joint 'operation', This will be posted at Atari Age, and Digital Press.

On May 29th, there will be an Arcade Swap Meet Up at Pinball Petes in Ann Arbor, MI 1214 S. University. Hang out, swap, sell, buy, play the arcade, and just have a good time. The 'official' time is 4pm, but your welcome to join us anytime you want. I know there is a large number of Michigan users here, so make sure to get the word around! Hopefully you can make it!

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Out of curiosity, is the Pinball Pete's in AA similiar to the one in East Lansing?


Actually it's much bigger and has more recent games. They used to have a good selection of classics, but now it appears that most of those are gone (where oh where did my Major Havoc go?). Still, it's one of the better arcades out there and, as the name suggests, they have an excellent pinball collection.



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They still have some classics (Tron, Joust, DK, Frogger + some others) but they used to have a huge section dedicated to the classics. After the new owners came, they closed down 2 of the 3 total that were downtown, and opted for the more recent games rather then classics. Its still a sweet arcade though. The biggest collection of the Japan rythm type games (DDR, Guitar Freaks, ect)

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Thanks for the response to my PP question, guys. Much appreciated.


Was back in Lansing/East Lansing last year and of course had to go to Bell's Greek Pizza for lunch, Melting Moments for dessert, and then Pete's for a few rounds of gaming. They still had a lot of the classic's then, along with pool and air hockey. Seen maybe 15 pinball machines but have to admit I wasn't paying alot of attention to them so my count might be waaay off.


There used to be another PP across from the Lansing Mall but it was no where near as good as the EL one and wasn't open very long. Not sure if there were any others as I can't recall one at the moment.


Hope Pete's never changes... down the dark steps into the basement, music mixed in with the sound of the machines, beautiful co-ed's wandering thru the place, and lots of games to play. Only thing missing was the infamous French Fry vending machine.


Don't get to AA very often (being a Spartan fan, we don't give economic support to the enemy :D ) and never been to the Pete's there. Sounds like a place I'd like, though.



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Was back in Lansing/East Lansing last year and of course had to go to Bell's Greek Pizza for lunch


Bell's Greek Pizza was my frats official hang out for several years. We even were there to defend the shop against any rioters back in 99. Unfortunately the woman who ran it (who's name escapes me at the moment) sold it to someone else a few years back. It's just not the same now...


I do find myself missing Poncharos though. I once polished off one of those 2 pound burritos in less than 5 min.



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Panchero's! Oh man, I loved those f'n things. They were in campustown when I went to ISU, and I found them in downtown Ann Arbor too just off of "The Quad." We used to call those things the two pound turd - not because we didn't like them but because of how long you'd be in the bathroom after! And yes, I could polish off a whole one in a sitting. mmmmmmmmmmm.

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I'm down wit' that.  :D  


Seriously though, if anyone has any DECO Cassette system items, please bring them.  :)




Have you tried recording some of those MAME DECO roms as a .wav into a cassette and loading them or does each game also require a unique security chip? I only know of Burgertime, Bump n Jump, Mission X and Boulderdash DECO games. Are there more?

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Hmm.... I bet I could make it up to Ann Arbor. Besides - I need to make it out to some sort of gaming function anyway. I wouldn't want to be the only one here that has never been to a swap meet or anything like that. 8) I'm interested, but I need to make sure that I have the time.

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Have you tried recording some of those MAME DECO roms as a .wav into a cassette and loading them or does each game also require a unique security chip? I only know of Burgertime, Bump n Jump, Mission X and Boulderdash DECO games. Are there more?


There are about 30 different games, but many may have only been relased in Japan. Apperently there is some kind of security header on the tape that stops it from being recorded. I DO have a tape recorder that might work with it and a spare tape (a dead Burgertime), but each game requires a special secuirty dongle. What someone needs to do is hack a CD player into the machine and make a universal dongle.



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Bell's Greek Pizza was my frats official hang out for several years.  We even were there to defend the shop against any rioters back in 99.  Unfortunately the woman who ran it (who's name escapes me at the moment) sold it to someone else a few years back.  It's just not the same now...


I only knew her as Mama Bell and that's what I always greeted her with... "Hallo Mama!!" Every year I'd go back and she always gave me a hug in greeting and would sit at my table and talk with me. Last time I talked with her, she had said she was selling and going back "home" which I always assumed was Greece. Beautiful lady, she be.


I do find myself missing Poncharos though.  I once polished off one of those 2 pound burritos in less than 5 min.


Hmm.... to be honest, I've never heard of Poncharos. Where was it located? Used to eat at El Azteco on MAC and they had GREAT mexican food. Always feared for my life, though..... that was a very small staircase down to the resturant and the place was always packed with a line going down the stairs waiting to be seated. I would be sitting there eating and then comment to my wife, "Ya know.. if a fire broke out in here, how many people do you think would make it out, up them steps??" She'd give me one of those looks and say "I'm finished. Hurry up and lets leave". But we always went back.


Haven't been back to El Azteco since they moved, though I heard the tables on the roof are very popular.


And I still say you can be standing around Beaumont and smell Melting Moments when they fire up the waffle cone oven.... :D



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only knew her as Mama Bell and that's what I always greeted her with


Same here. We always used to simply call her "Ma".


Hmm.... to be honest, I've never heard of Poncharos. Where was it located?


It was on Michigan, a little further down from Tower (when there still was a Tower Records that is). You probably walked right past it and never noticed.


El Azteco eh? I never went there myself, but it was a favorite hang out for the string section from my orchestra class. The brass always went to Peanut Barrel and got wasted...


Man I miss EL. Good times...



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