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Interview With The Homebrewer


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Great article. Nice to see it in print that the 2600 homebrew authors have had to spend a lot of time reinventing the wheel, so to speak. That the information on programming the 2600 wasn't easy to find. It took a ton of trial and error to figure the stuff out. And there still aren't some of the tools that the original programmers had, such as a debugger.


I'd love to see an article on the history of 2600 homebrewing.

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Just thinking out loud... would it be possible to run the old debuggers under emulation, assuming 1) you could find them and 2) the old hardware they ran on was emulated (such as in MESS)?


(And since you asked... no, I don't actually have any idea what I'm talking about.) ;)

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Many homebrew authors were interviewed for the article, and the story is a great read if you want to learn more about the motivation behind writnig a 2600 game as well as the technical hurdles that must be overcome in the process.

Might want to get that typo fixed...



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