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Become an AtariAge Subscriber!

For only $30 a year ($25 a year if you buy a two-year subscription), you can help support AtariAge and receive a wide range of benefits. AtariAge runs on a dedicated, high-performance server that costs thousands of dollars a year to lease. The site also uses various commercial software packages that require yearly payments (sometimes more often) to remain current, to say nothing of desktop software that has been purchased solely for use with AtariAge. Your subscription will help maintain the site and allow us to continue to add new features and improvements down the road.

Here's a list of benefits for AtariAge Subscribers:

- Larger Personal Messenger Inbox - 2,000 storable messages versus 500
- Ability to invite 50 people to a private conversation versus 10
- Ability to change your username up to twice a year
- Can upload individual files up to 25MB in size versus 10MB
- No search flood control delay
- Daily Assignable Reputation Points: 100 versus 25
- Access to Subscriber-Only Forums
- 5 Line signature versus 3 lines
- Edit window of 30 days versus one hour
- Can remove the "Edited By" Legend
- Larger personal photo (250 x 250 versus 150 x 150)
- Can create 5 unique blogs (as opposed to one)
- 5% Discount in the AtariAge Store (yearly subscriptions only)
- Early access to new homebrew games
- Special AtariAge Subscriber icon in profile and posts
- Name highlighted in online lists (red + prefix)
- Advertisements hidden from Subscribers

And the above list is just the start! We'll certainly be expanding the above list as time goes on.

Subscriber Benefits:

Feature Normal Members Subscribers
Number of messages in Personal Messenger 500 2,000
Number of invites for a personal conversation 10 50
Ability to change username No Yes
Maximum file upload size 10MB 25MB
Search Control Flood Delay 20 seconds None
Daily Reputation Points 25 100
Access to Subscriber-Only forums No Yes
Signature Limit 3 Lines 5 Lines
Edit Window 1 Hour 30 Days
Can remove "Edited By" Legend No Yes
Personal Photo Size 150 x 150 250 x 250
Special AtariAge Subscriber icon in Profile / Posts No Yes
Name highlighted in online lists No Yes
Advertisements Hidden No Yes
5% Discount in the AtariAge Store (yearly subscriptions only) No Yes
Early access to new Homebrew games No Yes

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