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madman last won the day on December 23 2017

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About madman

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  1. Amazon is a historically bad place to use for Evercade related pre-orders.
  2. I have Atari 50th, but haven't played that one.
  3. IMO not a lot of fun to be had w/Fatal Run. I'd consider it maybe an average game back then and it hasn't exactly aged well. I know, imagine saying on an Atari site that not every game is the most fun game of all time, but it's the truth.
  4. Same here, if the goal is just to play ROMs on an emulator, just skip the 2600+ and 7800+ and load ROMs on an emulator.
  5. While true, it is the Jag forum so it's not far off.
  6. At least previous number wangers had the decency to release very rough proof of concept demos...followed by 3 years of "there was a snow storm" excuses before they moved on to other forums to continue to number wanging on other platforms.
  7. Out of curiosity, what's your programming background and can we see some of your work? I assume you are fluent in 68k asm based on all of your stats here along with your predictions. Let's see your work.
  8. Dude is digging up 2 year old threads to spew his nonsense.
  9. A less ambitious design with more RAM for texture maps released in 1990. Sounds like it would've been a 3D powerhouse!
  10. You don't seem to understand what you're talking about, yet you don't tire of doing so.
  11. What could have saved the Wii U?
  12. That's because he doesn't.
  13. What is clueless and disrespectful? His memory of the AW graphics from the 90s?
  14. I think he meant it appeared to him to be the same as the PC version of Another World which is the one he had in the 90's. Not he had the Jaguar version in the 90's.
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