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  1. BTW, the newest version of this file includes all the information to build it several different ways. With/without the supervideo mod, with/without Atarigeezer's resistor mod, etc. Nothing has been removed relative to the older versions of the file, additional information has been added. IE: if you have the latest ver, you don't need the old one for any reason, everything from the older ver. is still in there and more. Also, if anyone has a board that they don't think that they'll ever build, please contact me. While figuring out this project I bought all the parts necessary to make two (except for the mobo). If I get the chance to build another, I will do a detailed photo-essay on the actual build process. cheers, c
  2. @kheller2, if I ever give the talk again, I'll be sure to give the proper credit to your Canon G7 The BOM that I posted originally is correct and complete (to Atari's version), and will yield a working board. Since then, I have incorporated AtariGeezer's resistor swap which makes it run cooler and I came up with a video tweak which corrects the typical Atari video errors and gives a nicer output. I thought that I had posted it previously, but in-case I didn't here it is. Grrrrr...... something changed on AtariAge, getting an error that says "Error You aren't permitted to upload this kind of file" Uploading as PDF instead. cheers, c Atari 1450 Mobo BOM.pdf
  3. Thank you, I actually gave that same talk twice with slight differences. Both are on youtube, but the video on the first one is so quiet that it's hard to hear what's going on. I did incorporate your R141 fix and the resistor now runs cool. For anyone interested, here's the second video first (better audio): And here's the first one, with slightly different slides and video of the first power-up and speech tests: Best, v
  4. Yes, Atarigeezer has it right, 1450 mobo in a 1200XL case. No drives, but it talks and the modem works. I've got a pile of Atari drives, 810, 1050, Indus GT, etc, don't use any of them, just use my SIO2SD. If it was a real 1450XLD, I'd still be using the SIO2SD instead cheers, c
  5. If anyone is local to Mesa, Arizona we are having a Vintage Video Game this Friday night starting at 6pm. We'll be gaming on dozens of vintage systems including the Atari 1450XL that I built last year. Be there AND be square. More info here: http://www.heatsynclabs.org/ Hopefully we'll see some of you there. cheers, v
  6. If anyone is local to Mesa, Arizona we are having a Vintage Video Game this Friday night starting at 6pm. We'll be gaming on dozens of vintage systems including the Atari 1450XL that I built last year. Be there AND be square. More info here: http://www.heatsynclabs.org/ Hopefully we'll see some of you there. cheers, v
  7. They say "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." but now you have me wondering. There was conflicting information for the value of that component. While the schematic does say 1k, the Atari 1450 BOM said 100ohm, and I confirmed that value with one of the few factory-built 1450's. So, I guess that we can say that 100ohm is historically accurate, but likely incorrect. The video circuits were similar, with Atari repeating their typical impedence-matching and other errors in the 1450. I corrected those errors in mine a few weeks after completing the basic build and achieved a small but noticeable improvement in video quality. I'm giving a talk about how I accomplished this build at my local hackerspace (heatsynclabs.org) in the next few weeks. I'll probably tempt fate and incorporate your R141 correction before the talk. cheers, v
  8. To me, the game that BEGS for a speed-update is Choplifter! When there is too much happening on the screen at-once, gameplay slows-down severely. At one time I thought that maybe it should not be fixed since that's just the way it was and was meant to be, however, I recently played the Apple version of the game from the same time period and it runs perfectly with no slowdowns. One of the few Apple ports of the time that was more impressive than the Atari version IMHO. To me this makes it a matter of honor to fix the Atari slowdown bug. If I ever learn to program, it will be at the top of my list. PLEASE, someone do this! cheers, v
  9. Wow, 1200XL's are worth $2k and 800XL's are worth $800. This means that I've got $7200 worth of just those two models! My entire collection must be worth WELL over $20k. My wife will be pleased, she thought I was just wasting money on all this old stuff. cheers, v
  10. Aaaaaahha! I always wondered what sector skew was. Thanks, c
  11. That's a really good idea. cheers, v
  12. WOW! I read it wrong initially. I guess I couldn't wrap my head around $2099 shipped for a 1200XL so my brain translated it to *only* $1299 so that my head wouldn't explode. There's another clown that has been trying to sell a used Tac-1 joystick for $83 for a while now. Can't figure out why it won't sell... cheers, v
  13. Is it just me, or is a person trying to sell a 1200XL with a few accessories for $1200 a total douche-bag? eBay Auction -- Item Number: 300648727681 cheers, v Wow, just noticed it's another $100 to ship, so $1300.....
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