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About scalpel

  • Birthday 08/06/1971

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  • Interests
    Mattel Intellivision
    Atari ST
  • Currently Playing
    Q*Bert & PacMan are forever.

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River Patroller

River Patroller (8/9)



  1. I agree, variants are essentials ! About variants, did you already saw this version of Happy Trails with this sticker ?
  2. For which support ?
  3. Interesting. I have a couple of each to sell... want to know the end price of these auctions
  4. I have to check but I think I have one to sell.
  5. Hello Oscar, I am interested for Super Kong-Bo. You write "box marked because some weight put over *sigh*). I can't see it in the picture. Could you show me ? Thanks ! Pascal P.S. : I am interested also by Computer Pong. How much for both : Super Kong-Bo + Computer Pong ? Thanks !
  6. Hello, I am interested. Thanks !
  7. Hello GenetixJ, Sorry to hear that. You can post for sale forum. For sure, I could be interested by some games and homebrew. Don't hesitate to write me. Thanks Scalpel
  8. I hope it's a joke? I wrote I have a US address, so you don't sell anything outside the US. I hope the other Atariage member will be honest. Point.
  9. Actually I did... as you can see here (I sent in the same time a PM to him) but he told me my message was sent hours later (the system says that)... but it is not, it's just because my timetable is in France. So, I hope the person who thinks he was the winner, will be fair and will accept to say he sent the message after me.
  10. Hello, I would like to buy it. I have a US address Thanks !
  11. I will be so happy to have one if theml 😚🙃 Are you looking for a Turbo european version CIB ?
  12. wow !! very very nice ! Congratulations Morpheus
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