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Intellivision Master

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Intellivision Master last won the day on October 15 2021

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  1. I have it as a loose cart. It's a good shooter.
  2. Yeah, modern gaming is more involved. But I do play modern games. And of course I like retro gaming as well. Retro is better because you can start playing right away which is great.
  3. Like MikeM_ said, the competition is over. But I saw this and wanted to share. It's a neat looking game. Never heard of it before. This would be perfect for the 7800. Kinda reminds me of Mr. Do a little bit.
  4. I'm still waiting for the email that Atari shipped the games. Hopefully they ship out soon. I pre-ordered them back in August.
  5. https://champ.games/f/draconian-deluxe-to-be-published-by-champ-games
  6. It's not a bad game. But it does require some strategy though.
  7. I was thinking about getting a modded 5200. If I did I would get one of his controllers. Specifically the twin stick for games like Space Dungeon. https://retrogame.cyberphreak.com/product/5200-controllers/ Retro Game Boyz has a 5200 arcade stick as well. This one even has control knobs. One of which can be used as a paddle. https://retrogameboyz.com/products/atari-5200-controller-control-stick-joystick-arcade-stick-blue-left-read
  8. My first Evercade VS got bricked after the day one firmware update. What a way to start off. This was when the console first released. I wasn't able to fix the issue. I had to get a replacement console. The replacement works sometimes. It has problems here and there. The carts seem to do okay. I agree that Atari & Plaion are doing a better job.
  9. Yeah, there are only 28 games in the library. However, there are many homebrews for the console. A plug & play works best because it would have the regular games built-in. Also, there would be the option to add more games via an SD card. So, basically this would be a flashback console but it would have the monitor included. Or perhaps the console can play carts in addition to having the built-in games as well.
  10. I agree. It would be really cool.
  11. You forgot the Vectrex+.
  12. Here it is. I've played this digitally, now I have the cart. It's a decent game. Based on an unreleased arcade game. Maybe one day it could be put on Atari 50 or something. There's also a Sears 2600 variant called Cannonman. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Cannonball_(video_game) https://www.atariprotos.com/other/sears/cannonman.htm
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