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  1. I think you are on the right track. Non-diagonals are easy as the target destination is only one "tile". But on diagonals, test the 2 possible tile destinations (see diagram below). If only one is free, simply go that way. If both are free, choose the direction that's opposite the "momentum" of Pac-man (in the case below, down). Hopefully this isn't over-simplifying things ***** P <--- momentum (joystick pressed South-West) * ***
  2. Bummer this version doesn't deal with diagonal joystick presses. The 4k version does just fine. As an Atari 800 machine code developer, this is quite easy to deal with. Simply use bit-level checks on the joystick register, NOT specific values for up/down/left/right.
  3. Amazing site and font productions!!! It's incredible how many styles a simple 8-bit font can provide. I ended up using HxD (Windows hex editor) to copy and paste the .fnt file binary data into VS Code for me to include in my Assembler code.
  4. Amazing work on this! i finally have an alternative to the actual arkanoid that has too much visual jitter on the paddle to be enjoyable. Considering how no other non-atari consoles support paddles, the more games we have using them the better!
  5. Hello all. I just obtained a 6 switch non-heavy Atari 2600 (Taiwan build) that plays every standard cartridge I insert. But my Harmony cart just pulls up a white screen with a loud tone from the speakers. The Harmony continues to work fine on 2 of my other Atari 2600s (another 6 switch non-heavy, and a 4 switch woody). I plan on taking apart the latest one and cleaning it thoroughly, as I suspect some of the pins used by the Harmony are dirty/damaged, but aren't used by only 4k-8k cartridges. Thoughts?
  6. Wow, great show, technical difficulties and all :). Looking forward to another great year of contenders. I really hope to see more games developed for the driving controllers (Tempest Elite a great start), and paddle controllers, mainly because those controllers are so unique to the Atari platform, and very challenging to fully appreciate via emulation. As far as a dream port title, I'd love to see an attempt at Zaxxon in its isometric glory. I remember being HORRIBLY underwhelmed by the Coleco version released when I was a kid, though in hindsight, their reworking was impressive considering the time/resources/memory restrictions they had.
  7. This goes without saying, but the quality of these games is getting so good, thanks to amazing feats of programming ingenuity, that I HIGHLY recommend playing them on real hardware, on a real CRT (not modern LCD), in order to avoid adding any graphic/audio glitching or lag to the experience. Twitch games like these truly deserve it :). Personally, I use a Harmony cart for 2600 playing, and the SIO2PC universal interface (USB edition) to my Atari 130XE.
  8. Great to hear, James! Really enjoy your channel btw. Keep up the great work.
  9. So when are the 2020 homebrew award nominees being released so I can start "judging"?
  10. Tried the beta2, and it seems to be working fine. Not exactly sure how to rigorously test, as I simply ran original carts, as well as newer 32k homebrews. Let me know if there is a specific test plan to follow, and I'll assist more. Does this support holding port 2 button down to utilize that port for control? Etc.
  11. Thank you, sir! I'll definitely give it a try.
  12. In case you're considering enhancements to the Harmony firmware, it would be great if it would accept menu navigation from port 2 as well as port 1. I love paddle games, but using them to navigate the menu is incredibly painful. And yes, my paddles are rebuilt and excellent (no jitter). The driving controller on the other hand is SUPERB for navigating! So my dream would be for the menu to use the port 2 controller to navigate if anything is plugged in there. Otherwise, it would default to port 1. I would then leave the driving controller in port 2 for menu navigation, and swap the port 1 controller with whatever type of games I plan to play :).
  13. Thanks for the update, Simon. I wasn't clear.. the mod I tried is the pre-made one on Ebay: Atari 2600/7800 A/V Composite RCA Audio Video Mod Kit " IMPROVED SOUND KIT " 1G, not yours. I think yours offers more flexibility, and I plan on trying one of yours in the near future to see if it works better on my 4k.
  14. This .bin is in cartridge format. For it to work on my modded XBOX running the Atari800 emulator, I have to set the config of the rom as type cartridge, or it will not load. I can also run this directly on my atari 130XE over my sio2pc and APE software boot screen. Hope that helps.
  15. Just played the iesposta pac-man 4k game... Fantastic! This is one of the only versions on any console that support diagonal movements, which is absolutely critical unless you are using a 4-direction arcade stick (yeah, right).
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