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  1. It is never a "good bye"... just a "see you later". I do not come to the forums much but have always appreciated everyone. We share a common love. The love will never go away.
  2. It was in the Miscellaneous menu. It is now under "Intelligentvision Games"
  3. Thanks for the support. This is awesome as is your emulator! I love the Nintellivision emulator. And also all your other emulators!
  4. Try out DEADLIER DISC - TRON REBOOTED http://intellivision.us/roms.php
  5. A *BIG* huge thank you to @decle for solving the World Championship Baseball crash. He allowed me to implement his fix in my updated game. I would have never figured this out.
  6. All of IntellivisionDude request have been addressed plus other he called out. THANK YOU for all your help. Home Run Super Pro Baseball is done! I am going to do some more play testing to make sure it plays well. It will be released as a combo package with Death Star Strike. Here is a list of all changes. ; Differences in this 2016 game: ; ; - on title screen 1/anything else for one player, 2 for 2 players, 3 for computer vs computer ; - The game stats are displayed by pressing ENTER and cleared by hitting CLEAR ; - Left side button restores location of player, right side button sets new location ; - The computer hits more flies than line drives and even less bunts ; - The computer pitches more fast balls ; - There are 5 different speeds of slow pitches and 5 different speeds of fast pitches ; - The winner is displayed when the game ends ; - There are no options to the game. There is only fast speed play! ; - The STRIKE and BALL message shows how many ; - Players are positioned in different locations. Can still be moved by the player ; - 1,2, and computer played are selected by using the keypad on the title screen ; - The success rate of hitting a homerun is lower ; - Runner keeps running and turns around when the baseman catches the ball ; - Computer hits more often ; - Computer will o,nly steal when a player does not have the ball ; - Music added to title screen and when a home run is hit ; Differences in this 2024 game: ; - Options screen ; - harder to steal ; - outfielders throw to closer infield players ; - speed players throw adjusted to be more "realistic" ; - can play from 5 to 9 innings ; - can select between 2 pitching speeds ; - can select to show stats during the entire game ; - plays take me out to the ballgame in between the 2nd to the last inning ; - moved score board to bottom of the screen allowing outfielders to be able to be placed anywhere on the top of the screen ; - default location of left and right fielders higher on screen ; - catcher will not chase the ball ; - computer players release the ball quicker ; - players are quicker to come out to field and go to the dugout ; - fixed glitch of counting scores when the third out is made ; - overhauled pitching ; - pitching speed is more variable ; - the higher the level being played, the more likely the computer will hit a fly ; - harder to overthrow second base - not impossible
  7. Great feedback. Thanks! I will target fixing most of your notes. This may end up being a 2025 release. As for the bug in the game, the original programmers spent more than year trying to fix them. I do not have much hope to solve this as the bug is not easy to reproduce. But, I was able to fix Space Spartans Below is the text from the game's trivia webpage. Baseball II, however, was a favorite of baseball-fanatic Mike Minkoff (Snafu). The game had been essentially completed, but regularly crashed, despite weeks of debugging at APh. Mattel didn't want to put any more resources into the game, but Mike, although now a Director in charge of Intellivision, Aquarius and M Network development, volunteered to debug the game himself after hours. Since the game had already been announced in several catalogs and press releases (as All-Star Major League Baseball), Mattel kept the title on the schedule and let Mike work on it, on and off as he had time, throughout 1983. Mike managed to clean most of the bugs out of the game, but the cause of one occasional crash eluded him. He linked in a debugging module written by Rick Koenig (Motocross) that displayed the contents of registers and status words on screen when a game halted. Mike was still trying to trace the problem when, in January 1984, Mattel Electronics was closed.
  8. As much as I like my updates to SP Baseball, I was not 100% happy with the game. For a reason I can not recall, I just did not finish it. So.... should we release a 2024 version? The high scores would go away It was mentioned to put different levels in. What do you all want?
  9. @BSRSteve, is there any chance you can dump the French ROM again? It has to work. It seems that the $D000 range data is messed up . The voices located in the $6000 range work. I want to believe the voices work and that the issue is the dump.
  10. Steve, is there any chance you can dump the French ROM again? It has to work. It seems that the $D000 range data is messed up . The voices located in the $6000 range work. I want to believe the voices work and that the issue is the dump.
  11. Steve, is there any chance you can dump the French ROM again? It has to work. It seems that the $D000 range data is messed up . The voices located in the $6000 range work. I want to believe the voices work and that the issue is the dump.
  12. What would you suggest for "Game Over"? The original game has: GDAS SPIEL IST AUS Google gives me: SPIEL VORBEI I am asking about the GDAS SPIEL is because I would like to cut out one letter due to it potentially over writing the score. At the end of it, I want to say "LEVEL" followed by a number. Should I put "EBENE" Thanks!
  13. Thanks! The title of the game sounds like what the audio is saying. voice0000.wav Here is how the title screen is now.
  14. Thank you for the help!!! The above text does not fit so I used the smaller version though I am missing the umlaut. Now I need to update the Italian title screen
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