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  1. I have moved my public TNFS host to a new Ras Pi 5 with an M.2 SSD hat. Very speedy. Please report any issues, thx TNFS slot name is - 13LEADER.NET
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  2. Yeah, More offerings with online gamaing is a great idea
  3. I know this is a really old thread by a copy of FrDT can also be found here: https://13leader.net/download/ST_Terminal_Programs.zip
  4. I have been using TAZ for many years now and it's a great ANSI terminal! It does have one little issue. On my PAL ST the screen has this flickering thing going on that's not nice at all in ANSI mode. I am sure on a real ST monitor you would not see it at all but on my Asus 27" with a RetroTink it is very very bad. The Flash terminal does not seem to do this but it has no ANSI mode. Anyway. I have been collecting ST ANSI terminals here: https://13leader.net/download/ST_Terminal_Programs.zip So What do other folks use?
  5. RespeQT has had no active development in like 2 years? I did a little development on it sometime ago with ebiguy but abandoned it after some "dramma" with the RespeQT team. Anyway - it uses deprecated QT5 API's, the C code is kinda mess and is a good example of a project with too many cooks in the kitchen. AspeQT is under active development: https://github.com/pjones1063/AspeQt-2K22/releases/tag/2k22
  6. One of the users on our BBS created a very good how-to. A good read if you own a RasPi (or are thinking of getting one) https://13leader.net/AspeQT2RasPI.pdf
  7. Sorry if I triggered some folks but I have worked as C++ and Java programmer over 30 years. The code review I had done shows lots of dead code, unused classes, QT objects that are connected to nothing. That's just how it goes with too many cooks in the kitchen. And why I switch back to Aspeqt. Anyway it was clearing forked at some point for RespeQT.
  8. Based on all the code I have seen and the many forks floating around the internet - RespeQT is a fork of AspeQT. The core code is almost identical! These days it seem like RespeQT has kinda gone the way the Apache Web Server did server 15 or so years ago. Too many contributors creating an unstable app with incomplete functionality I have gone back to AspeQT just for that reason.
  9. Lots of activity on the Respeqt development. Good to see. I also see my thread on my 64 bit release was deleted and my build merged into this new git.? Not sure what's going on with that. Interesting.
  10. Check out this thread
  11. I see it too
  12. Great Thanks! I will pull it into my git today!
  13. Cool idea. Should be easy to create another $boot folder that loads the menu. Then have some action or event load the folder on slot one. @ebiguy just added a 'fav atr' option that will load a pre-selected disk image to slot 1. Maybe it works with a folder as well? I am sure he could make it work like that. He's a smartie! The other option would be just to have it do the 'Boot Atari Exe" option / thing and not use a folder at all (same idea really). Maybe that 'fav atr' option could work with an xex as well?
  14. yes to all. 4 and 6 are both ground
  15. Attached is an xex you can load from any Atari dos or do the Boot Atari Xex thing from RespeQt. menu.xex
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