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    Mr. Peebles pet shop
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    R/C, Electronics, mechanical, repairing,building atari stuff

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  1. Looks like I'm gonna have to play the original non hack, @zylon you can get this to work on your OE machine, if so how are you able to get past the games security check.
  2. Sounds like you need to adjust the color pot, this is a very common issue, and a pretty easy adjustment to do. If you don't know how, then PM me and I'll guide you through.
  3. Dungeons of dreadrock 2 - the dead kings secret, a pretty fun follow up puzzle story.
  4. Nopaybob is a great buyer, can highly recommend doing business with him.
  5. It uses the lower fire button on a stock controller, in emulation that is the ctl key, it's set up to be a one button firing, so it will automatically fire a shot from the closest base to target. If the fire button, or ctl key (emulation) doesn't work then it sounds like you may have a bad copy of the ROM.
  6. Yes, all the time, this was really the only upgraded option for a many years, I personally have controllers over 13 years old still working just fine on Best, (other than the boots of course), I wear them out alot LOL, but there are new boots available now, so that's not really a issue anymore either, And there is also a half priced (to Best) mylar option also available now. So there's really plenty of options available now to make theses controllers extremely reliable.
  7. There is one on eBay again, if you are still looking for one. https://www.ebay.com/itm/276738626507?_skw=atari+5200&itmmeta=01JD1BHM0M440GB9907MKKPY16&hash=item406ee853cb:g:IQcAAOSw2EdnPAy7&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA0HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKna3DWJ8ojju7BCR13d2TE9nS1uSJ0DWgr%2FQMmqtyUE0%2BgYu%2FSP%2FVwVD5RQzDMwWo7DHC%2BF4moGa7YHhBGqBQvApgep4QBJkSPuFJbGPYTm4o89ZkLTRie5xaxVsUjwV9L4FzieLPguz%2Bv4DqumptRc7LNYDcG3tfUXUBqUjIJiCUw7sI9sBpvspobjW8Gq5q0e1bAhnLOOEXoJb%2FfK9mvdu6R7RBD9kALtPVek7LTJWueV7mmvM9FtRSJYIYD9j68%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR7LAxqvoZA
  8. Someone else just asked this samething recently, there was one on eBay too, just a couple days ago, I looked for it and it appears to be gone now, all you can do is wait for another to show up on ebay, and or maybe another member has a extra they would be willing to sell you.
  9. I hope so, the wife is gonna make me put it up somewhere pretty soon, and then you know what happens to things when put away, out of site, out of mind, lost in a box for years. LOL
  10. Bump, Make a offer if any interest on this.
  11. Bump, price reduced
  12. That's very fitting, since that was my main profession, 23 years, but there again you can fix a old car PROPERLY, and it is just as reliable as something much newer, and in some cases still better.
  13. Um, not completely accurate, I've been running controllers for at least 13+ years without problems. I agree on getting in to one now, yes the controllers are most likely not going to work, and need fixed, but when fixed properly, one should not really have any problems, for a long time.
  14. Yes, more than once, I also do it with DVD movies.
  15. Yes, central USA
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