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  1. Now I am remembering that there was a way to avoid changing line after a PRINT... but I forgot which one I will need to check it up! btw you are a couple characters short here anyway, so maybe that +3 should become a +5... but now I am not sure that's the easiest way - I would really need to remember that way to avoid the CR...
  2. maybe add before the READ: HTAB LEN(STR$(N)) + 1 + LEN(F$) (and add here + 3 or whatever tab value you want between columns) I cannot test now and it has been ages since my last coding in AppleSoft, but it might work... or someone else will be better :D
  3. Hi, the standard prodos became prodos8 with the IIGS, while prodos16 is at the core of GSOS only. so any floppy which is prodos-formatted and with basic.system on it, would do - you have to prodos-format a 3.5" disk to have it boot, and put basic.system on it. In fact, whatever .system file is at the top of the catalog list, will be booted once prodos has loaded.
  4. Hi @masteries is it possible to have previous firmwares to download? I am afraid the last one is not working for me and I would like to get back to the previous....
  5. Hey @YannAros any chance another IIc PAL board (and cable ?) can be assembled and shipped to Italy? That would be great. Thanks in advance!
  6. Assuming that the data statement in line 2700 has been typed in correctly, a quick look with TRACE shows that those data in line 2700 are being read by the FOR/NEXT cycle in line 380. Maybe check the syntax there?
  7. I bought a A2io : it goes into game port, connects via bluetooth with mobile phone, where an app will connect with a modern bluetooth controller and calibrate it.
  8. Thanks @YannAros, I was reading about it just yesterday. I actually have a spare Pi Zero which I am using to run RetroPie, and could be used for this... but I will need the 12bit shield, and the TTL extension if I understand correctly. They don't seem to sell them now, and I don't feel confident in building everything from scratch. I will wait and keep an eye on the shop page
  9. @YannAros I missed the previous posts where this was already discussed, I am sorry. I will have a look at GBS8200 cards. @Baldrick did you manage to look into it already?
  10. hi @YannAros, impressive work here! a couple of (noob) questions: regarding the IIc board, could it be possible to output the signal to some more up-to-date plugs / destinations? I am trying to adapt an LCD panel to a IIc / IIc+ and it has composite, vga and HDMI input... any chance to get there without other steps? I have a similar card and I managed to get an hdmi signal using a scart-to-hdmi box, but I would really like to skip that step or have it integrated somewhere... somehow possible? regarding the IIe board: I don't want to over complicate things, but I remember there was an expansion card (RAMworks?) which IIRC offered rgb out AND 1Meg RAM expansion... maybe moving in that direction could also be interesting?
  11. IIc custom roms are out there, in many different fashions, so this could be interesting. IIe with extra memory had the Workstation card which basically is an AppleTalk card, and probably the ones in your school lab were connected on those.
  12. Liron cards are controllers for UniDisk 3.5 drives, the first Apple II 3.5" drives. they give apple II / II+ / IIe a smart port. recently a new card working as universal control for every kind of drive (Yellowstone card) has the same functionality.
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