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Posts posted by atarixle

  1. I got heavy issues to get a signal out of the HDMI port, no matter if its 50 Hz or 60 Hz.


    First I thought the 400 Mini is defective, but it always works on the HDMI => VGA converter.


    Unfortunately, my old TV set shows the VGA resolutions of 1280x720 (and 1920x1080) with green background. All other resolutions are displayed perfectly fine. So I need to plug it into the HDMI to have correct colors. This is a problem with the TV.


    When I plug in the HDMI cable directly into the TV set, the screen remains black (or blue in my case). ONLY with an 1-to-3 adapter, the TV set reconizes that a signal is there and show an image.


    My HP 1920x1080 computer monitor also does not (always) show an image when plugged into HDMI. It succeeds in 1 of 100 cases I guess.


    May be, may be not, a firmware-update can help, but if its an issue with the hardware or affects only my device, then I have to stick with the C64 mini - and only a few people want that.

  2. Yeah, if remember right, the whole project (and this thread?) started as a talk about a mouse driver, which actually is a good place to start a GUI as it is nothing less than the main loop, the kernel, the event management, the core of a GUI.


    When I started to write BOSS-XL/XE/X back in 1993/98/2000, I made the mistake to start with implementation of the desktop-view (or the main view of each program), and then call the joystick/mouse waiting-for-a-click-loop as a PROCedure. Later I realized that calling this regulary make it a good place to implement things like update the desktop-clock, or colorize the desktop-icons in BOSS-X when the mouse hovers one.

    With my current BOSS-XC project (new GUI written in C with cc65) I got badly stuck because of the same mistake.

    • Like 4
  3. Never ment to be harassing. I love to see the GUI having progress.


    What I mainly ment was that the limitations in hardware have to be implemented in software (use relocatable code only, instead of an MMU in hardware; ...). Those occupy memory, and main memory is limited. Multitasking might run well but how much memory is left for applications?

    You could put it into The Cart or comparable memory-monstrouse products, or reload as much as possible from RAM-Disk or storage on the parallel-port. But still all the active code has to fit into less than 64k main memory.


    The framework for the Window-Management and GUI widgets is eating up memory too 

    ... ok this is what you save when the app itself does not need to have this implemented separately.


    And the last thing is time. You are one of the most genious programmer who writes the official firmware for other products. You said that time is missing. Contrary I also said that once the GUI framework is ready, writing apps itself should be doable relatively quickly.

  4. The thing is, it is a final and well received product with even some commercial success. This is why I mentioned it at all (again).

    FJCs GUI is indeed impressive, but I highly guess that it wont come any further just because of the limitations the Atari has. The goal of having Multi-Tasking on the 6502 is set too high. It is indeed impressive to see, that coders can do it, but without the help of some hardware, like the 68000 and the x86 has, it is doomed to stuck in demo mode.

    • Confused 1
  5. On 3/22/2024 at 3:36 PM, Atari8guy said:

    What's the best part about a GUI?  Not asking facetiously...  I think FJC's GUI is all kind of sexy, but I don't know the practical applications...most A8's won't have enough memory left over to run much? or do I not understand something about how it works?  If it's just a file manager, that's interesting enough but wouldn't be hard to make that as quick as the command line (or MyDOS)?  


    Maybe it's all a launch point and platform for FJC's new WYSIWYG DTP - The Last Page?

    Once the GUI framework is written, the rest should be done quickly.

    Programs that really could use a mouse-GUI were a file-manager (just to be able to unload the GUI and run everything already existing), a font-editor (pixels faster than joystick, but not as precise as with keyboard), graphics-8-paint (because Graphics 15 has enough paint-programs), simple texteditor (for editing some config files from within the GUI, something BOSS-X still lags of because I didn't make it to write anything like a simple text-editor in Turbo-BASIC).


    For serious work we could use a GUI-version of The Last Word, plus running a music-player in the background.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, MrFish said:

    I'm not sure what the pop-up menu font is, but the Menu bar is displaying "Chicago" from the Mac, or it's a copy of Chicago.

    The file list and icons are both displaying "Geneva" from the Mac, or a copy of Geneva.


    Here are the originals.


    Chicago.png.800e3d57417f9609f1f685736a03e487.png     Geneva.png.e44051b7caa9cc22bcd7a07c0875db09.png


    Wait, the tiny one is one of my BOSS-X - Fonts. It's name is "MACSMALL.FNT'. Oops. I was inspired to re-create this pixel-by-pixel.


    The Chicago-Font, I first saw on Atari-Related screenshots (perhaps MagicMac-screenshots), so I named my 8x8 sized recreation "ATARIST.FNT".

    • Haha 1
  7. I sent back the new mobile because of many other reasons (it didn't find all phone numbers in search, broke up mobile connections, asked me for the unlock code several times ...). It was crappy but it was fast as heck compared to my now 5 years old reliable mobile phone.

  8. Ok, now I got 3 Emulators on my Android:

    Droid800 and Colleen got the same problem: as soon as pick a folder too close to the root (e.g. /storage/emulated) I get stuck and cannot pick another folder. I have to delete all files from this installation to run a freshly installed, untouched instance of the emulator.


    Atari800-SDL does not escape from its own files-folder (only files/, files/data/ and files/savestates/ is visitable but empty).


    All emulators worked fine on my older mobile phones, but the newest one I got me recently, running Android 13 btw, does bring these errors.


    Guess I will have to try Atari800 in RetroArch, or Kodi if needed. But that's a little too bloated IMO.

    • Like 1
  9. Wow I never had thought of this but I tried out enabling the Jaguar BIOS.


    This makes the sound appear. Strangely it worked in Windows without activating this checkbox.

    Thanks for all your help, may be this helps you too.


    This issue is solved for me. (may be I can add a solved tag to the toppic)

    • Like 3
  10. Hi there,


    I recently updated my outdated IBM Thinkpad to debian 12. And then I installed virtualjaguar, so I don't know if it would have worked in debian 10 or 11.


    Now I have no sound whenever I run virtualjaguar. There is no output in the Terminal, so I have no clue what is going on here.


    Did anybody tried this already? Anybody tried to run virtualjaguar on debian 12 64 bit?

  11. To open a XEX file from the macOS command line, just type

    open file.xex

    (if the file extension is associated with an emulator, e.g. Atari800MacX).


    I also am using vscode on my Mac, but always create the Makefile myself and type make && open file.xex manually (so not from within a gui).

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