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About susy

  • Birthday 04/05/1971

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    Retro games

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  1. I too find myself in a similar situation. I solved the problem by purchasing two extension cords (one HDMI and one USB for power). This way, when I'm done playing, I put the Atari 2600+ in the cabinet under the TV. Everything is in order and the coffee table in the center of the living room remains clear.
  2. Fantastic news. Thanks again for everything you do. ...and to make the dream of us children over 50 come true. I apologize for my horrible English.
  3. Lo notate perché nella nuova scheda le connessioni dei cavi piatti sono posizionate all'estremità della scheda stessa (nella vecchia scheda erano posizionate al centro). Inoltre, queste connessioni, come potete vedere dalla foto, sono invertite... ecco perché è necessario attorcigliare i cavi piatti. Nella fotografia la scheda IO in alto è quella nuova. Mi scuso per il mio inglese.
  4. Luckily you are experienced and capable of carrying out repairs. However, the advice is to remove every single screw, in order to avoid similar incidents. I confirm, the dumper is already updated.
  5. I hope, for all those who were unable to get one, that the new cards will soon be available for purchase.
  6. The update is fully official, and it's absolutely fantastic. With this firmware the 2600+ becomes a practically perfect machine.
  7. I completely disassembled the console and the selection levers seemed very sturdy... childproof 😁 In your case it is probably a manufacturing defect.
  8. Good morning everyone. I changed the board following Fred's instructions, whom I thank very much, which was to remove all the screws. Overall, the operation was simple and I never had to apply force to put the cards back in place. Everything works wonderfully. Thanks again
  9. Ciao Ben, Socket ricevuto oggi. Appena avrò un po' di tempo lo installerò. Mille grazie
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