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About Blitzer1001

  • Birthday August 9

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  • Custom Status
    How many e.t.'s does it take to screw a lightbulb?
  • Gender
  • Location
    the Netherlands
  • Interests
    Retro electronics, music (my favorite band is megadeth), coding, gaming and much more!
  • Currently Playing
    Berzerk of course!

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  1. It is that theme, i was glad i could put an recognisable version of it in there! In my opinion it only adds to the expierience.
  2. I am not sure you can add music with 300 bytes left. But i can tell you how to add a simple music loop to a future project. Making a simple loop for music isn't that hard. First i use tia tracker to see if it would sound good with a simple sound channel with no limitations. I don't use triplet notes since those are hard to program. Then i goto bb and make a music timer variable and a music counter. The music timer keeps track of when to add 1 quarter note to the music timer. I then fiddle with the number when the timer resets and ads 1 to the counter. I make the number bigger or smaller until i get a temp0 that's around the same speed that i wanted. Then the program checks to change the note if a certain value on the music counter is met. I provided an example of the code i used in my game gunfight. I hope this gave you a better insight on how to implement music Gunfight_MusicDemo.bas
  3. I really like what you are making! But i have 3 tips: 1, arthur can't shoot left so when the zombie is on the left of him he can't hit it. 2, You can see the zombie when he's undergound/hiding, you can just tell the game to make that player sprite nothing and then change the sprite back to the zombie when he appears again. 3, perhaps use set kernel_options no_blank_lines. You'll use the missile you need, that's for sure, but you can use the ball sprite and make arthur shoot that. Anyways, i wish you a verry nice day!
  4. I finally released my first game for the 2600! I call it gunfight. In this game you go in a duel against cowboys. It was inspired by wild gunman on the nes. You can download it and find the instructions here. If you have any suggestions, let me know so i can add them.
  5. Man, I am so done with ikea! Every time I get something there it is always broken.

    1. Jess Ragan

      Jess Ragan

      "Enjoy your affordable Swedish crap!"

  6. Thank you verry much for your help during this thread! I really apreciate it and it helped me a ton
  7. Thank you verry much for helping me, it solved the issue! Only now i get the following error: D:\Atari2600\Projects>2600bas Mule.bas batari Basic v1.7 (c)2022 2600 Basic compilation complete. --- Unresolved Symbol List note 0000 ???? (R ) qtcontroller 0000 ???? (R ) 2539 bytes of ROM space left Fatal assembly error: Source is not resolvable. I looked for solutions here on the forum and found that it means that it can't find the files that are listed, however, i don't know where to find those files.
  8. Hey all! I was trying to make a port for m.u.l.e to the 2600. I normally never get this error when i compile but when i tried compiling m.u.l.e for the first time i got the following error message: (1) Parse error: unrecognized character "´" Does anyone know how i can fix this? I tried looking in the code for myself but found nothing. I have attached the code. I am using windows 10 if it makes any difference. Thanks for reading! MULE.bas
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