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Hardsynth Information Page


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Hello Atarians.


This is again about the soundchip of the Atari 8bit: the Pokey

I am working on a new homepage about generating sound on the Pokey. Pokey is i.m.h.o. still a very underestimated and underdocumented soundchip. Maybe when there exists a clear online documentation about how to use Pokey in a CPU-time economical way people would find it more easy to get right that thing out of pokey they want, or just discover its power.


There is a short introduction and a files section, where I listed some mp3 recordings of Pokey Hardsynth experiments played on the Real Atari (emulation doesn't matter to me :) )


It is still a homepage under construction. The main structure will remain the same, but here and there I'll insert more and more stuff.

For example I want to give a full documentation about how to compute filter effects both in 64khz/15khz mode and in 1.79mhz mode (which is much more difficult). RMT is a great tool f.e. for making experiments in this area, but when you know the maths and the logic behind it things get easier. Thanks to Raster and the writers of the new pokey_dll plugin.


Most recordings on the homepage are experiments of emkay, some of mine. These are RMT songs. In the near future I also want to collect some stuff from other people of this forum. Some of them can be found in the (other) 'hardsynth' thread.


The site will appr. be built up of:

±50 % recordings

±50 % documentation of useful formulas e.a. for finding the right pitchvalues, and many other things.


......more comments and adds later.....


Here it is:


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...thanks for feedback...



I have some spare time now, so I updated my Hardsynth webpage:




I did:


-some more info on the subject itself

-some more recordings


To come soon:


-formulas and info on pokey settings / instrument possibilies

-graphs of waveforms and how to generate them



I hope you enjoy...but wait until it is finished :D


BRK...the weirdest 6502 instruction :P

Edited by BRK
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