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laserman'88 is now here

Dan Iacovelli

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just thought you like to hear the progress on my game:

right now you have your ship on the bottom and at the start you see the alien (origianl name of the alien was temptins,but I'm going to change that) move across the screen until he hits the center and he disapears and then you see a bomb drop(this is about far as I got I'll work on the the rest of the bombs later(theres going be 3 totals dropping

at a differnt rate(orignal game I just had them appear from nowhere at random)

you can move across only,and you can fire if you hit the bomb you score 10pts. and thats as far as I got so far.

See last post for the bin and full description



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Hope to see more :)

greetings gambler172

I'm doing it in stages if you couldn't tell by the title.

Stage 1 getting the alien and laserman in motion

stage 2 adding the other bombs and checking the hits and bomb count(hopefully)

stage 3 playfield (it hard to do a triangle with out using pf commnads)

stage 4 hoping evrything is working close to my ti game(minus the voice and a few other things)

stage 5: final release of laserman 2(on the ti this was actualy the first laserman game,but since

I did a hack of keystone kappers and made that into prequel to this game,that will make this the second game

and if time allows the third of trillogy will be done)

stage 2 will be worked on this coming week.

( and to those asking about the bomb colors: yes they will change colors thats one thing I like on the game)

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the adventure continues: stage 2

added 2 more bombs

added a detection when a bomb hits right above the level of laserman

it will move the bomb back to top(still working on the ball(aka missile)/bomb

collision to do the same thing,which is why it's so easy to get points)

still some bugs though(having bombs fall in one pattern)

playfield to be work on soon,bomb count also has to be worked on well

have fun



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stage 2.1 with sound(by request :)) and extras (revision)

now we have sound(still have bugs on that though)

now we have more bombs falling then 3 (still working on a good format just now they all over the place)

have fun :D

(another fix is coming next week with bomb/missile(ball) detection and sound going off when a bomb hits you)

btw:don't worry the number bombs dropping will decrease)

Edit: Fix the bomb drop format and fixed the missle/bomb detection

took out the sound of the falling bombs(for now)



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and here we are at stage 3(partly):

we have playfield and background color.

the thing with the playfeild, is that it isn't an exactly a triangle(this might change though)

I also added a blue background to resemble the ocean.

(also forgot to mention that I'm working on having the playfield change at each level(right now level 1 playfeild is up)



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revision of above:

(ie stage 3.1)

playfield now the right size I wanted

changed the color of playfield(background still blue to resemble the ocean)

minor bug: before the alien ship comes out the playfield shows up that looks like the alien(don't why it happns)

there is another flaw in the program: (I'm not going to say but if you play it long enough you can find it)



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  • 3 weeks later...

I think I found the Bug is it that you can get like a million points by shooting at the left hand side of the screen?

yep thats the bug,I'm going try to fix that though (thats beacause that one sprite is player1, and if you shoot player1 the

bombs bounce back but if you shoot the copy of player1 the bombs still bounce back but not like when you shot the orignal)

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I know I have sound to the game but when I play my game or any game on Z26 I don't get any sound,but when play using pcae 2.6 I get sound. anybody else having sound problems with z26

I used to, but I figured out how to change the settings to get sound, although it sounds bad-- but that's probably my computer and speakers, because I have a good computer and good sound card, but really crappy speakers, and the sound is crappy on all of my computer games. I'll post my z26 settings to see if that helps you.



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I know I have sound to the game but when I play my game or any game on Z26 I don't get any sound,but when play using pcae 2.6 I get sound. anybody else having sound problems with z26

I used to, but I figured out how to change the settings to get sound, although it sounds bad-- but that's probably my computer and speakers, because I have a good computer and good sound card, but really crappy speakers, and the sound is crappy on all of my computer games. I'll post my z26 settings to see if that helps you.



that might help me mike.

the thing is before I got sound all the time then a while back the sound went on me.

on pcae2.6 I get sound (my game sound might be off a bit though because I can't hear

on pcae either but the games like turbo I can hear)

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(my sound is back on z26)

Crud, I forgot to post my settings for you. :( But I'm glad you got it working!


For the record, these are the switches I'm using:


-B -d2 -n -r -s8192 -S -v21


The two relevant switches are -s and -S. The -s switch specifies the size of the sound queue (default 4608, maximum 65536), but I think the important one is -S, which is the "OSS Sound Hack."


Wait, the -d switch is also relevant, it's for DSP (digital sound processing). Try -d1 or -d2 and use whichever one works (or works best).



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  • 4 weeks later...

the game i still in progress, I'm working on a few more deatils.

which brings me to ask the follwing:

1.I need to have triangle playfeild shrink after each screen is complete, is there away to clear the playfeild, then draw a new one(I seen it done on some of the other bataribasic games, but some of the source that is posted seemes to to be all jumbled and have rem this and rem that))

2. for the bombs: I want to do an amimation type thing, from the top start out as a small dot and then get bigger,the full size bomb right before it reaches the lower part of the screen.(sort of like what tempest does). how can do this.

thanks in advance.

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the game i still in progress, I'm working on a few more deatils.

which brings me to ask the follwing:

1.I need to have triangle playfeild shrink after each screen is complete, is there away to clear the playfeild, then draw a new one(I seen it done on some of the other bataribasic games, but some of the source that is posted seemes to to be all jumbled and have rem this and rem that))

2. for the bombs: I want to do an amimation type thing, from the top start out as a small dot and then get bigger,the full size bomb right before it reaches the lower part of the screen.(sort of like what tempest does). how can do this.

thanks in advance.




I just wrote a very short, quick little demo that shows how to change the playfield. I hope this helps.





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thnaks I think that might helpa bit.

the playfield one might be different for me since I'm using multisprite and it only reflects the screen

the sprite one will most definately work for me though.

I give them a try in my work.




I wrote another playfield change demo for you using the multisprite kernel that displays output that looks just like the standard kernel example. It works pretty much the same, however I noticed that I had to define a playfield first at the beginning of the program before I called a subroutine to change it. Also, as you pointed out, you have to change the playfield definition as it will only use a reflected playfield. Other than that, the code looks about the same.





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thnaks I think that might helpa bit.

the playfield one might be different for me since I'm using multisprite and it only reflects the screen

the sprite one will most definately work for me though.

I give them a try in my work.




I wrote another playfield change demo for you using the multisprite kernel that displays output that looks just like the standard kernel example. It works pretty much the same, however I noticed that I had to define a playfield first at the beginning of the program before I called a subroutine to change it. Also, as you pointed out, you have to change the playfield definition as it will only use a reflected playfield. Other than that, the code looks about the same.




steve, I think that might work for me thanks.

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