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Lost Treasure


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Back in 86/87 I packed my things up and left for the Army. After serving a few years there and swallowing dust in the Desert Storm, I came back and started a whole new life.


Fast forward to 2007. One day while cleaning out my parents attic I came across my beloved 800XL, 850, 3 Indus GT Drives, 300 baud modem, and about 200 floppy disc. After 10 minutes of jumping in my parents attic and one hole in the ceiling later, I finally brought down my equipment and quickly drove home to play with my childhood computer.

I was amazed to find that my computer actually still worked after all this time. I quickly started powering up my Indus GT drives to find that 2 of them had died. Fortunately one still worked. I also started popping floppies into the drive to see what was on them only to find out that I maybe got 20 to actually boot up from the initial start.


Fast forward 2 days later and I'm sitting here trying to figure out what to do with it now as 20 years have passed me by and i forgot everything this thing could do.



I was able to find one floppy that had I believe mydos? like i said, i am at a complete loss on what to do here.

I've been reading up the past couple of days about old atari 8bit websites and bbs's that are still around. I would love to be able to pull out the ole modem and dialup for old times sake and maybe snag a couple of programs from the sites so that i can get to know my system better.


I guess what i'm looking for now is maybe someone that lives in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area that can maybe spare an extra copy of a dialup program? I think i remember using Bobterm back then?

I will be more than happy to compensate anyone that has any type of these programs laying around that I can swing by and pick up.


I read that there are cables that you can purchase on ebay to hookup your pc to the 8bit and transfer from there, but it just isnt the same...........








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I read that there are cables that you can purchase on ebay to hookup your pc to the 8bit and transfer from there, but it just isnt the same...........


I can send you a copy of Bobterm. If ya'd like though I can also send you a chip, socket, sio port, and serial port and you can build your own adapter. All you'd need is a project board, serial cable, sio cable, solder, soldering iron, and some wire. Now I know it isnt the same, but at least you can build it yourself, that's gotta count for something. PM me...

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