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An Atari game selected as one of the "10 most important games of all time"

Bill Lange

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someone mentioned that donkey kong pre dated miner 2049r...don't think so, according to mame (the arcade emu) donkey kong was in 1982, the TRS80 version of miner 2049 was either 80 or 81 (trs80 version was the original)


By space war, i refer to the steve(n) russell original he wrote (programmed) whilst a graduate/student at MIT, many games industry commentators refer to Bushnells 'computer space' as space war with graphics (even says so in phoenix, the fall and rise), i think you might be thinking of the cinematronics coin op version of space war (the first videogame/coin op game to using vector or x/y graphics)


The interesting thing about the list is that every game apart from Warcraft was released either on the Atari/CBM 8/16 platforms first (and speccy/amstrad etc) or on the games systems (SMB etc)...only Warcraft is the only original out and out PC game there

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