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Think this was worth $50.00 ?


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posted a wanted ad on a local website looking for some old 8bit stuff and finally got a response. I go to the persons house and theres like 12 boxes of nothing but Atari items. :D

Some of the things I found in the boxes were:

1. Atari 800XL in mint condition

2. Atari 800

3. 2 850 interfaces brand new in a box

4. Atari 1020 printer of some sort brand new in box. (very tiny)

5. Gemini 10X Star printer new in box

6. Atari 830 Modem

7. Atari CX801 Operating Sytem 10K Rom (Have no idea what that is)

8. Percom AT88-51 floppy disc drive (Never seen one of these either)

9. 5 new joysticks (new in box)

10. Books galore..... The Atari Assembler, Computers First Book Of Atari, Atari Games & Recreations, Compute!'s Second book of Atari, Compute!s Third Book Of Atari, Atari Basic, Pm Animator, First And Finest OS/A+ Systems Software of Apple and Atari, VisiCalc, Compute!'s first Book Of Atari Graphics, Atari Sound And Graphics- A Self Teaching Guide.


About 15 big ass binders filled with Programming notes, Formulas of some sort etc......

And their personal collection of about 300 floppy discs with games and programs.


All of these items are in mint collection and had been in a storage place for the last 17 plus years.

I asked them what they wanted for the entire collection and they said 50.00 would cover it.

Talk about being in the right place at the right time.


Anyways, what do you guys think something like this would go for on ebay? Not that I would ever sell any of it, but was just curious as to how much money i saved in one load.


Pictures to come later.



:D :D :D

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Wow! I'd say you got a great deal! The CX801 is just the ROM card for the atari 800, they all had one in the machine, but unless you took off the top you never saw it.


BTW I'd be interested in one of those 850's if you want to sell one. I don't have a boxed one.



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Let me think about that. I was actually thinking about just starting a good collection myself in my spare office.

The site I posted the stuff at is called craigslist. Free to post anything you want.

Heres my original post that i did on there: http://dallas.craigslist.org/bar/301836129.html

Craigslist is actually everywhere. some guy in WA was giving away a nice looking commodore monitor for free so if anyones from there i'd jump all over that.

Some people just dont realize what they have and what its worth to other people.


All in all..........a very productive and happy evening :D


Wow! I'd say you got a great deal! The CX801 is just the ROM card for the atari 800, they all had one in the machine, but unless you took off the top you never saw it.


BTW I'd be interested in one of those 850's if you want to sell one. I don't have a boxed one.



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All of these items are in mint collection and had been in a storage place for the last 17 plus years.

I asked them what they wanted for the entire collection and they said 50.00 would cover it.

Talk about being in the right place at the right time.


Anyways, what do you guys think something like this would go for on ebay? Not that I would ever sell any of it, but was just curious as to how much money i saved in one load.


Pictures to come later.



:D :D :D


Well, my guesstimate is maybe $500 on ebay parted out, if you were willing to go through the hassle of selling it that way. (maybe another $500 for "shipping and handling" ;) )Less, if you "bundle" things to reduce the transactions. But for $50 you got a very nice package.


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unfortunately no :(

would have been nice though. I keep looking at this 800 machine and i'm not a fan a big fan of it. Too bulky for my taste.

Don't really know the full value of of, but if anyone wants to trade a monitor for it like the commodore I'd be more than happy too. Or if you have a monitor you'd like to sell anyways, i'm game ;) looking for a white or off white one.

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